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Re: breakout_et_b2 navigation
ET Waypointing team member
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Default Re: breakout_et_b2 navigation - 12-04-2008

Great to hear from you again. A pretty good waypoint so far as I look at it. A few general points if I may;

(A) Since you are using strict aiscript triggering for actions, all actions should be set as active forever. That way the goal-tracker won't ever interfere with your waypoints (and it will be simpler to debug).

(B) Window camps and other camps with low obstructions are generally best if the bot stands (action_ent of 1 for camp and sniper camp actions).

(C) If you want Bots to use H&A cabinets you need to place a small node at the cabinets (say node_radius 20 - 30) and then either force them to use that node when passing by or attract them to it with a roam or an alt-roam at that node.

(1) The tunnel gate can still be closed by a human. I'll throw together a script later to show how to avoid this and maybe even a script that gets the bots using levers (similar to the fuel room door in v1_rocket)

(2) I had problems with that spot with bobots too, I'll have a go maybe some time to see if anything can be done (Hey it could always be solved with a teleport lol)

(3) The CP spawns worked the one time I looked but did not monitor it after that.

Thank for keeping at it. Work is obviously more important. The important question now is; Was waypointing more fun than work ?
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