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Re: shrub for fritzy
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Default Re: shrub for fritzy - 27-04-2005

Is there a particular feature you want?

Like Denny said - many Shrub features are already in there. I just haven't advertised them, but most have been there since the very first version. Theres a thread on the forums here somewhere where I listed most of the Shrub features I've included.

NOTE THOUGH: If its a really complex feature, it may not get done this version. I'm already looking at a TODO list of 50 or so items for the next version, and I'm getting ready for finals at school here soon too, so my time is really short right now (and will be for the next whole month). If its something fairly simple to implement, or something that has public source code available to use, I'll add it, but anything more complex than that may have to wait a version. *COUGH* FG42 *COUGH* 9_9 :o

As an aside: the lack of documentation is something that will change for the next version.

I'm working on the wiki ATM. There is a basic, unfinished page there now for Fritzbot.

Check it out.

TBH - writing documentation is like pulling teeth with me, its just one of those things I'm not crazy about, but its really needed and it will get done one way or another for the next version!

Dum Spiro Spero

Last edited by Maleficus; 27-04-2005 at 11:24..
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