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Re: Wannabe bot author
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Join Date: Apr 2012
Default Re: Wannabe bot author - 17-04-2012

I'm really struggling to compile the Q2map and Q2bot sources, probably due to my inexperience with Eclipse Helios for C/C++.

I'm using the MingW compiler and it keeps saying it can't find the WS2_32.dll library even though I've added it to the project properties. I've added the C:\WINDOWS\System32 path and the reference to ws2_32.dll, and Eclipse seems to have picked it up as it now recognises winsock commands where before it was complaining about them not being defined. The only error message I'm given is "cannot find -lws2_32.dll" even though it's right there.

It's so frustrating because once I get the code compiling I can actually work on the bot. I've already identified the main loop and I can see how it all works, I just need to get it compiling first before I start modifying it. Aaaaaaah! Come back Java, all is forgiven.

Any ideas? I'd rather not switch IDEs since I (normally) like Eclipse for my Java stuff, but I'd rather get stuff compiled than spend the next week slamming my head against the wall.
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