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Re: adding bots by config at server start
ET Waypointing team member
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Post Re: adding bots by config at server start - 28-10-2006

Additionally I suggest you re-order the addbots to alternate teams (example below *). This ensures that if the bots are not all added in the warmup that there can still be balance on the first map. This ordering also makes it easier to see how this cfg favors the axis team.
// filename: \etmain\bot.cfg
// add the medics                   // team funname aiskill aimskill...
addbot eros 3 2                       // 1 s^2er0s 3 2
addbot mal 3 2                        // 0 ^1Malefius 3 2
addbot who 2 1                        // 0 ^1Dr.^0 Who 2 1
addbot lips 2 1                       // 1 ^7Nurse Hot Lips 2 1

// add the engineers
addbot mom 3 2                        // 1 ^3Your ^5Mom 3 2
addbot timmy 3 2                      // 0 ^1t^3I^1mmy 3 2
addbot gondi 3 4                      // 0 ^1G^0ondi 3 4
addbot bob 1 2                        // 1 ^1'^0bob 1 2

// add the fieldops
addbot dolphin 1 2                    // 1 ^2Dolphon_Girl 1 2
addbot loopy 2 4                      // 0 ^5Col. ^1Loopy 2 4

// add the cvops
addbot hobbit 3 2                     // 0 ^7^^0The^7Hobbit^1? 3 2
addbot pierre 3 3                     // 1 ^7Pierre-Marrie 3 3  //should be "Pierre-Marie Baty" 
addbot noob 2 2                       // 1 ^8n00b Saibot 2 2

// add more medics
addbot crapshoot 2 3                  // 0 ^7^^0Crap^7Shot^1- 2 3
addbot death 2 1                      // 0 ^Dr. ^1DEATH 2 1
addbot bones 1 3                      // 1 ^Bones McCoy 1 3

// add the soldiers
addbot unnamed 3 3                    // 1 ^0UnNamedPerp 3 3
addbot Blood 3 4                      // 0 ^7Bloodhunter 3 4

//extra player
addbot legolas 3 1                    // 0 ^0Legola^5a^0s 3 1 //medic

(* BTW the ordering by team 1-0-0-1-1-... or team 0-1-1-0-0-... reduces a minor statistical bias present in the ordering by team 1-0-1-0 or 0-1-0-1..etc)

.one Ringstellung to rule them all.
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