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Re: PodBot Problems with Chat
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Default Re: PodBot Problems with Chat - 05-03-2013

Originally Posted by KWo View Post
You have to write in upper case the word in botchat.txt. The file is reloaded only when the bot dll (podbot_mm.dll/ is loaded at the game start (it's not enough just to restart the map - You must restart the game on the server).

That You can't change. It's hardcoded. Give them just more time to answer. They usually reply 7/10 or more, but it takes time to get the answer (10 to 20 seconds).
I'm reffering to the word that I must write in the game with say command, It must be with UPPER CASE or I can just type it with lower cases and/or with in combinations with other words ?!
I must type the word in the game with say command more than one time to make the bots answer ?! And what happens if I'm typing the @KEY word, for example "ADMIN" like 6 times ?!
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