Thread: c++ noob stuff
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Re: c++ noob stuff
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Default Re: c++ noob stuff - 05-11-2006

Originally Posted by @$3.1415rin View Post
if you want to have the value of a character, you have to use 'a' instead of "A". the latter would give you a pointer to a char array containing an 'A' and a '\0'
Sorry, I didn't get it. I don't mean to get a char value..., I'm pretty stupid with this.

Anyway I found this:
When using the STL with MSVC, you may get one or more error messages that look like:

C:\MSOE\stltest\stl2\stl2.cpp(302) : warning C4786: 'std::pair<std::_Tree <int,int, std::set<int,std::less<int>, std::allocator<int>>::_Kfn, std::less<int>, std::allocator<int>>::const_iterator, std::_Tree<int,int, std::set<int,std::less<int>, std::allocator<int>>::_Kfn, std::less<int>, std::allocator<int>>::const_iterator>' : identifier was truncated to '255' characters in the debug information

This message results when MSVC tries to store debug information that includes long names generated by the template expansion process. The problem normally has no significant effect, and the message can be ignored. You may prefer to suppress this warning completely, as it may hide other (more important) error messages. To suppress the warning, add the following line near the top of your program source file:
#pragma warning(disable:4786)
out there:

So, maybe it's an old implementation of stl on msvc. I've compiled a similar code with a newer msvc++ (express version) with no warnings. dev-c++ also compiles it with no problems...
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