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Re: Suggestion
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Default Re: Suggestion - 28-04-2010

Originally Posted by Pagyra View Post
I apologize if there are problems of translation - translated by Google.
No problem. I'am able to understand almost everything You wrote - not that bad like You think it could be.

Originally Posted by Pagyra View Post

1. Enter the voice chat bots, as is done in standard Zbot - helps in game with human teammates and in during round can mark places where located the enemy for bots - by coordinating joint actions bots.
That works correctly with ZBOTS (CZERO bots) only on default maps. How they react on custom maps - how they can tell You where they are?

Originally Posted by Pagyra View Post
2. Add possibility of tactics - Rush, Search and Destroy, Wait and Clean, Random,...
Changing tactics allow points team leader at the beginning of each round.
I like this, but I have no idea yet how to implement it in code.

Originally Posted by Pagyra View Post
3. Add a habit of bots (with the tactics of waiting and searching) to walk step.
If the 2 is done, this one would be easy to add. But first I would need more time (which I miss) to solve 2.

Originally Posted by Pagyra View Post
4. Standard tactics of behavior of CT-bots may change but the basis remains the standard. They must protect bombplace, but in the case of finding a bomb that fell or the Bombers call teammate, and still on patrol nearby range. Live teammates will seek out and destroy enemies, but in case of attack teammates rush to him.
That is still concerning to tactics. Yes this bot is missing tactics code, but that would need more time to figure out how to make them more human-like.

Originally Posted by Pagyra View Post
5. Add a habit of bots to move closer or along to obstacles and walls.
They are using waypoints and it's up to a waypointer how he is doing waypoints. If waypoints are placed in center areas - they go there. If waypoints are placed near walls, they go there. The code checks only which waypoints are more danger, so bots are trying to use the safest path (at least some of them).

Originally Posted by Pagyra View Post
6. Add a habit of bots try not to shoot from the stairs, adding the desire to rise or down the stairs sooner - to stabilize the shooting.
I believe even on stairs they still aim better than You and humans, so that shouldn't affect much the gameplaying...

Originally Posted by Pagyra View Post
7. Add a habit to sit down for firing at long distances .
I have to think of it. It shouldn't be very hard to implement that into the code.

Originally Posted by Pagyra View Post
8. In the case of the sniper to move streif and diagonal or zig-zags, hiding behind large obstacles, move towards him. Sitting down and firing 2 bullet between 2 shots of sniper and move at the time when he aims or hidden.
Yeah - that is also reasonable. I have to think of it (how to do it).

Originally Posted by Pagyra View Post
9. If the enemy shield - throw a grenade at enemy feet and moving around enemy and seek to come to enemy side or back. Shooting in the protruding parts of the body and head, especially if the enemy is revealed for the shot.
At least that part with throwing a grenade near the enemy should be easy to do (if the enemy is using the shield)

Originally Posted by Pagyra View Post
10. Teach bots shoot burst.

A) Add a habit of bots to shoot a burst from Famas at a far distance, but in the short to try to shoot automatically.

B) Add a habit of bots to shoot a burst of Glock in one enemy at close range, but several opponents at long range try to shoot automatically.
There are only 2 such weapons like that, so I don't think it's eanough worth my time to think of it...

Originally Posted by Pagyra View Post
11. To create a realistic behavior of the bot - be a better view of the deviation from the direction of motion was only in the event of fire or hiding at obstakles.
That I didn't understand. Please - rephrase.

Originally Posted by Pagyra View Post
12. If the bot heard the noise - he must look at the most remote but visible by bot waypoint with the shortest path from the point where there was a noise to his current position.
I like this idea, but then the bot would change the direction to look at all the time. The question is - how to determine which noise should affect the bot (to force them to look at that direction) and which one shouldn't? Another thing is - it would require a lot of calculations to do each frame (to find that closest visible waypoint), so it would negatively affect the server performance.

Originally Posted by Pagyra View Post
13. If the bot does not see the enemy, but sees that the wall come the bullets, the bot should turn to the enemy firing position.
You have to know one thing - the bot doesn't see the world around him like You do. The code calculates if the bot should be able too "see" the enemy, if he is in a distance he should "hear". So the bot doesn't see everything around him, but the code just is focusing on some more important objects (like players, weapons, obstacles). Bullets don't belong to that group, so bots aren't reacting on them. Because there is a lot of bullets around bots (since everybody is firing almost all the time), that would need to make a lot of calculations if any of bullet could be "visible" or not by a bot (and that would again negatively affect the server's performance). I believe after that explanation You understand the dificultiness of implementing Your idea.
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