Thread: Question
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Default Question - 04-10-2013

I am interested in making a bot for Team Fortress 2 that would essentially run the game on auto-pilot for me. I think it would be interesting to see how it would fare on an average online server, and to see if anyone picks up on it.

Now, I know next to nothing about coding, especially something as presumably complicated as an AI engine for a first-person shooter with such diverse classes (although I was thinking of somehow having a program that would pretty much replace me with one of the official integrated bots), so I would just like to know how I would even get started on doing something like this.

I would also be interested in making a similar type of program for any other first-person shooter games (preferably free ones), because like you all I am very enthused about artificial intelligence.

I realise this forum hasn't been posted on since the dark ages, but I thought it best to ask here anyway.
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