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Re: Strings In United Bot
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Default Re: Strings In United Bot - 30-05-2004

Problems I am trying to solve:
1) STL Strings dont have advanced string search functions
2) STL Strings involve using the null character
3) STL Strings have confusing syntax (there are lengths with and without the null)
4)STL Strings are as prone to buffer overflows as are the C-Style Strings

Isnt it enough to warrant starting from scratch?
My Strings can:
2)Find Strings ignoring case and punctuation or takign them into account if desired
3)Change Case Easily
4)Prevent Buffer Overflows
5)Be Easily tailored to needs
6)Compare, the Advanced way, taking into account or ignoring (if desired) Caps and Punctuation
7)Be Added
Output to string, C-Style Strings and individual chars
9)Dont involve the null. It is automatically handled
10)Length is always without the null
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