Thread: hehehehe
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Re: hehehehe
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Default Re: hehehehe - 08-12-2004

I have taken a closer look at the RACC new code. I got confused by this principle:

At start you try to catch as less network messages as possible. Doing some loops and check out the entity state of the Hl engine, updating your own entity list. Thats fair and thats logical imo.

Later on i see all engine messages (yet in a bit different name)....

so , how come? did the principle fail? Or did something else make it like this?

I like the approach of having an entity list, and seperated player list. I also like the idea of updating the entity list with the loop , so you have a most independant way of doing so. But then i get fuzzed. I am trying to get a clear picture to make a bare minimum template.

So far, my code can compile, and it can run (does not crash). It still shows my welcome message even, but a lot of garbage is in the code that can be taken out.

As i see it now, there is in general :

the bot brain
the information for the bot brain
the interface

the bot brain is empty , the information for the bot brain(the updating cycle, entity list etc) is also empty, the interface works basicly.

I want to deliver my 'template' with an 'empty' interface so you know what basics have to be in to get it working. Its a shame i don't know a thing about Quake 3 or something, because else i could try 2 different 'interface.cpp' files and try to run the same code with it... thats the true way of showing it works.

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