Thread: tank support?
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Re: tank support?
ET Waypointing team member
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Default Re: tank support? - 17-02-2008

Great to hear another member waypointing!

Now Denny's tutorial is for RTCW which has no vehicle support. (I am porting his tutorial slowly, but the wiki went offline for a moment).

In FritzBot ET Mal reserved some action types but instead implemented a few global statements that are placed in the aiscript. See the section on aiscripts. You must include the 3 global vehicle statements to provide tank support at the start of the match. (or use the other three if the tank is unavailable until later).

. . .
Some further vehicle advice:

Now the trick is finding the correct entity number. A tank may have more than one script_mover entity (e.g. one for a gun turret and one for the body). I suggest you use Hobbit's waypoint tool to review the map's bsp file. Hobbit's tool needs .NET 2 to run, and you have to unzip the .bsp file from inside the mapper's .pk3 (that you placed in \etmain). The .bsp is in \maps inside the .pk3. Once you have done that run the waypoint tool and find the bsp reader under the util menu. Browse for the .bsp file you extracted then hit Read. A numbered list of entities will appear on the left. Use the filter options to just show script_movers then select them on the left in turn till you find the right one. The number of that list item is its entity number, and is the base to the number you enter in the aiscript commands;

vehicle_entity_number <ent>

and optionally inside script blocks

set_Vehicle_Number <entity num>

More help on Hobbit's tool can be found here.

It is best to get the tank working before adding any fake entities to the map script file. But eventually you will want to add fake tois to tell the aiscript when the tank has moved far enough that you want to advance any camps. When you are ready for that there is a wiki topic. But be forewarned adding fake tois will doubtlessly mean having to correct for entity number shifting, and the bsp reader gives the ent nums prior to these shifts. (When you get to adding fake tois ask for more help).
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