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Re: Bot aiming bug - fixes
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Posts: 16
Join Date: Jun 2011
Default Re: Bot aiming bug - fixes - 18-10-2011

Regarding the last problem I've mentioned, about the bot looking at the waypoint origin, this is not resolved in the "e" version.
The problem is that, while the bot moves, as it approaches the lookat origin, that is either lower or higher (if the bot is crouched) compared to the camera/eye origin of the bot, the sight lowers or moves up, tracking the location pointed by the lookat vector (last set to a waypoint origin), even if that is very near the bot or even passing through the body of the bot. This causes unnatural viewing angles. The bot should give the impression that he's looking in the distance, not tracking a point near it.

For the bot, it is very easy to track one point, because it uses the lookat vector, that describes an exact point in space and it's available and it's used for every game frame. For a human player, tracking an exact point is not so easy. A human player usually moves while maintaining the view angle, making adjustments to it as he needs. If he is not tracking an enemy, the human maintains the angle in reference to the ground he walks on.

Of course, this issue is merely cosmetic.
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