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[Release] RCbot Svencoop Project Guilty Waypointpack Revision 1.0
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Default [Release] RCbot Svencoop Project Guilty Waypointpack Revision 1.0 - 08-04-2005


Yep, one more waypointpack for the road! I bet my next one will be They Hunger Coop once that get's (eventually...) released.

From ThE_MarD's Readme For Project Guilty WaypointPack R1.0


I made these waypoints for the fun of it all. Now remember, these levels weren't designed for bot usage in mind.

Ok, this has gotta be the longest one I've done yet besides the actual HL1 campaign. It's a darn hard campaign this Project Guilty, so bots will definately help you out a lot at many parts.

The bots seem to be able to beat most levels without problems, but it seems ProjectG1, ProjectG7, and ProjectG8 give RCbot the most problems. ProjectG8 the most of the 3 as you probably need to be the majority on your own since bots have problems crossing the bridge with those sliding rectagles that push you off the bridge, and the long rope over the lava pit, and the climbing of the little stubs that move in and out of the wall (bots will instead try to stack up ontop of eachother and leap over like that, I've seen it work with 3 bots trying this at the same time) tend to give bots problems.

Just extract it into your "$moddir\rcbot\waypoints\svencoop" folder and pwn.

Later-a-much, and LONG LIVE THE D!
ę ThE_MarŠ

Later-a-much, and LONG LIVE THE D!,
(Link>>>MarD's Moddin' Site<<<Link) MarD

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