Thread: Engine
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Re: Engine
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Default Re: Engine - 10-01-2004

Originally Posted by stefanhendriks
now for l33t people at this place, what are we going to do? Create an own engine? I think that is truly insane, it would be better to take a look at an engine which is good and free. Of course we have bots to work on and several other things on our hands, this would be worth considering.

We should set our goals about the game though, i'd say, make a mixture between DoD and CS and beat the crap out of the 2 original mods. Make it so cool that we l33t coders can take over the world and get richer then Bill Gates.. muhahahaha. erm, right o_O 9_9

just recently have i ventured outside of the realbot forums and noticed several places caught my eye... Insane people only? so, THATS what they call that... the only problem is i have nothing to work with anymore :/. I got the software just not the cream filling... :'(

Also: it would be interesting even if i were to tag along to take some of this in considering the last time i had worked with C++ before i got visual studio 6 was using an old old old old Borland compiler. That and im a warehouse of ideas.

Last edited by Squalman; 10-01-2004 at 02:23..
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