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Re: Time to make some decisions?
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Default Re: Time to make some decisions? - 15-04-2004

So far we have, BF+UT+CS+Theif 3, which all sounds excellent, although the main problem being that if we used physics we would have to use rag-doll (ugly and crap) instead of real-world (very cpu intensive, everything has a physic, e.g. a bricks density can determine if a building falls or not),

another problem being htat to have lighting work properlly there would have to be an enviromental identifiying engine, (i am outside i use light from sun/lamps, i am inside i use window light direction/shadow and lamp/bulb) which is very hard to code (as far as i have tried so far)

The next area of concern is the POV, i am looking left my body is looking ahead why do i kill you, it makes no sense, we need a Model/POV identifier so that if you are looking left your model says you are looking left (unlike cs, i am looking left yet my model says ahead, so my bullets get hs when they shouldnt)

apart from that it all sounds excellent
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