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Re: cookie and session security
PodBot MM's Laziest Waypointer
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Default Re: cookie and session security - 23-08-2007

Well I have just recently made cookies for

I've made it so people create cookies with ID and Username.
So when they auto-login with Username and ID function.

I don't know.
Could you check it out if you have time?

I've tried tampering with my Cookies, but they delete themselves when I open the site.

The IDs are quite simple. like 1,2,3 etc....
But, I figured if phpBB did it, I could too, but I don't know much about security stuff.
I've tried entering a hacking attempt incase the username or password weren't the same but that backfired so I took it out.

I have it so you can fetch MySQL Info with the Session_id
and Check if the Session_username is the same as the name it fetched then it would create more sessions with the fetched mysql data.
Should I give you the common.php?
It fetches everything but the md5 password...

Right now I'm trying to create sessions so I can display usernames within the last 15 minutes etc...
Hopefully I can get it up when I open the site.

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