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Re: Navigation using AABB
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Join Date: Apr 2012
Default Re: Navigation using AABB - 14-03-2017

Quick update: I have solved the problem of narrow gaps and fixed some irritating edge cases with ladders not being detected properly. I've also modified wall climbing so it actually checks that there is solid wall to climb up (so skulks don't try to climb up thin air to get to suspended walkways or floating platforms). It's really starting to look good.

Next up is swimming, which will require a little bit of logic but nothing too different from what walkable areas do.

Finally, tweaking the path so the AI doesn't insist on walking right on the edge of ledges. The voxelisation process doesn't follow the geometry 100%, so there are cases where a walkable area will slightly overhang the actual level geometry, which is why we want to avoid the edges.

I'll be putting the code up on Github for the bot once I've migrated the navigation code over from the testing tool I'm using, so I'll be sure to link you guys to it once it's up. Screenshots coming soon!
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