Thread: Hl2 Sdk?
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Re: Hl2 Sdk?
Cheeseh's Avatar
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Default Re: Hl2 Sdk? - 30-03-2008

The bot controller seems to be a valid pointer. As far as I can see the call stack is also valid, as it is initiating on my bot add command it is simplty working through from there. In game frame it also seems to be valid coming from engine.dll

I commented out the run player move command and the bot's think command, and the game still crashed. All it was doing was adding a bot and setting up data structures (but not using them).

0E44901C  call        eax  
(--> end of game frame function)
0E44901E  add         esi,1 
0E449021  cmp         esi,dword ptr [edi+10h] 
0E449024  jl          0E448FF0 
0E449026  pop         ebx  
0E449027  mov         ecx,dword ptr ds:[0E68DFFCh] 
0E44902D  mov         edx,dword ptr [ecx] 
0E44902F  mov         eax,dword ptr [edx+10h] 
0E449032  push        ebp  
0E449033  call        eax  <-- crashes in this call somewhere (lonnnng function...)
I also don't know how to get the correct origin from an arbitrary entity in the Orange box code ? My old commands using the Networkable and PVS info won't work any more. I just need to use PlayerInfo to get the origin but that only works for players, and n TF2 the origin seems to be at the feet of the player model, no in the middle

And the problem with using weapon select cmd is that we don't know if the bot actually has the weapon (or we don't know if we have enough ammo left in the weapon to actually use it)
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