Thread: Hl2 Sdk?
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Re: Hl2 Sdk?
Count Floyd
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Join Date: Nov 2007
Default Re: Hl2 Sdk? - 13-03-2008

LOL, that sounds bitter...
Ok, so you're able to spawn the in-built CS:S Bots but since they don't know which MOD they're in and don't have code assigned to it they do nothing.
I know that the SDK contains code to generate the NavMesh but of course no code for using it, the 'real' Bot code for the CS:S Bots isn't delivered with it. However I don't believe they left it in for 3rd party Bots to use, as a Bot developer you probably have your own means of having them navigate - no matter if it's waypoints or a navmesh. The existing old HL Bots would only need to parse the new BSP map file and they would be able to navigate. Anyway, once the SDK is out of Beta I would be more than willing to just hack the needed stuff together since Valve doesn't seem to care about those issues. At the moment however even this isn't possible because there's no valid bot interface returned...
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