Thread: MG42's
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Re: MG42's
FritzRTCW Team Member
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Default Re: MG42's - 24-10-2004

Well, there's quite a few stuff that would help the bots fully integrate with a level. I never really had a gripe about how to get the bots to understand a map, it was having them move fluidly through the map without congestion and well getting stuck or roaming around in an area they shouldn't be.

So as you said it would be nice to make alternate events the bots can react on. So you can have it set to where you can lockout certain waypoints after an objective has been destroyed. Wolfbot kinda had this, but it would lock them until the objective was destroyed (then they'd be free), this also is a good thing to have as well.

Buttons are another thing that never worked, and would have helped streamline the maps a little more. Some maps couldn't be finished because there was no well written button support.

Another thing that buged me was one-way waypoints, even if they were set, the bots would still travel down them in the opposite direction. I mean one-way means, one way. This was very annoying cause this would cause the bots to wander and roam dead areas of the map.

One thing you could also use the script for is Engineer's paths. Say you could set the exact waypointing paths (it can be multiple ones) and they carry them out, and plant dynamite where the waypoint list ends.

Wolfbot was pretty much on the money, it's that Kaji needed to improve support on existing things. Ladders, Blocked Passages, Duck waypoints, and other status type events. The bots getting clogged on Ladders and in crawl spaces was really annoying.

Another thing i wanted to see was some sort of auto-sensing capability. When bots would get caught in places they shouldn't be, they'd just stick there, and your game would lag to the point where you couldn't even exit. And they'd get caught sometimes right next to a waypoint and not even move toward it and continue on their path.

It was super difficult to find the place where they'd get caught too. Of course some places bots can't get out of, but they should suicide if that's the case.

Anyways, your doing a great job so far though. The bots work great, and they even use grenades and air strikes almost perfectly!

For the script, i'd just have the advanced stuff use a script, and the rest i'd just auto-code into the mod itself (and or the waypointing system). Then just tweak the bots abilities with certain enviromental situations till acceptable. Simple script layouts are best, and they should be fairly understandable.

I'll leave it to you on what to use the script for. I hope this helped a bit.
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