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Bug in RACC Template 2
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Default Bug in RACC Template 2 - 30-08-2004

first look here

Defined in dlls\h_export.cpp :
int DLLEXPORT Server_GetBlendingInterface 
(int version, struct sv_blending_interface_s **ppinterface, struct engine_studio_api_s *pstudio, 
float (*rotationmatrix)[3][4], float (*bonetransform)[MAXSTUDIOBONES][3][4])
   // this function synchronizes the studio model animation blending interface (i.e, what parts
   // of the body move, which bones, which hitboxes and how) between the server and the game DLL.
   // some MODs can be using a different hitbox scheme than the standard one.
   static SERVER_GETBLENDINGINTERFACE other_Server_GetBlendingInterface = NULL;
   static bool missing = FALSE;
   // if the blending interface has been formerly reported as missing, give up
   if (missing)
      return (FALSE);
   // do we NOT know if the blending interface is provided ? if so, look for its address
   if (other_Server_GetBlendingInterface == NULL)
      other_Server_GetBlendingInterface = (SERVER_GETBLENDINGINTERFACE) GetProcAddress (h_Library, "Server_GetBlendingInterface");
   // have we NOT found it ?
   if (!other_Server_GetBlendingInterface) {
      missing = TRUE; // then mark it as missing, no use to look for it again in the future
      return (FALSE); // and give up
   // else call the function that provides the blending interface on request
   return ((other_Server_GetBlendingInterface) (version, ppinterface, pstudio, rotationmatrix, bonetransform));
***ERROR*** : This function is not exported under MSVC. DLLEXPORT macro is wrong and there is no declarator telling that this function should be exported. If this function will be exported by some miracle or .def file, it will crash whole Half-life for sure, because of wrong __stdcall calling convention. Calling convention for this function is __cdecl, which is default


koraX's utils
- see my homepage for other projects (OpenGL CSG Editor, FAT16 Sim, NNetwork Sim, ...)
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