Thread: HL2DM bots...
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Re: HL2DM bots...
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Default Re: HL2DM bots... - 21-07-2008

Honestly I can't even guess when this might be rolled out to the public. I believe Tony might want to have as complete as possible first pass at events/accessors for all supportable valve mods before trying to push it through the system. If we know Valve we know that time tables can't really be predicted. I'll try to push Tony into adding these accessors. CS:S seems simple enough that those can be added easily. In the meantime, if you know anyone around this forum who knows DOD:S very well I would appreciate if they can put together a list if custom accessor data they might need. I haven't played much DOD:S myself.

Btw, one more thing I should mention. The extended bot interface is specific to Orange Box engine. Tony has told me Valve has no plans to put these sdk updates into the old engine. This means that only mods/games based on the Orange Box engine will benefit from the extended bot interface. So far DOD:S has been ported to Orange Box, and CS:S is in progress afaik, naturally TF2 was born in Orange Box. I'm told they plan to update HL2DM to Orange Box as well, probably last.

Anyways, the quicker we get a list of needed accessor information to Tony the sooner he can have his part ready at least. Then it's just a matter of waiting on the changes to get through whatever Valve vetting process he has to push it through.

Omni-bot AI framework

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