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Re: PODBOT2.6MM after still pending
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Default Re: PODBOT2.6MM after still pending - 17-04-2004

Originally Posted by Pierre-Marie Baty
I am willing to be the "librarian", or "committer", as mark says.
Upon SoUlFaThEr's request I've also made minor improvments to the WP editor
Good thanks PM.
One thing we will need is a way to get your absolute latest source so we know what , exactly you have changed and we don't duplicate efforts and modify the same areas.
For example, I have in my source the menu changes requested by SF (i sent them to you once) and I also have in my source the command index fix, but these changes are not in any version that you posted.
So you see the problem already. I am not sure what to send right no.
If I could see the exact source you have I would know exactly what to send and it would take less of your time to sort everything out. In essence I would be doing the sorting out here before forwarding the changes. Can you keep a zip on your server some where of the absolute latest source? Really, we need to have a CVS repository setup somewhere.

Last edited by Austin; 17-04-2004 at 20:28..
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