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Re: Bulldog 1.60 steals vs active forever
ET Waypointing team member
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Default Re: Bulldog 1.60 steals vs active forever - 13-01-2008

thx the bindlestiff, yes that is the problem. After more testing; steal actions follow the goal tracker regardless of whether active forever or no, as long as they are home. Oddly enough I had previously coded a reactivation but commented it out for some reason. I guess I was worried by the rare delivery zombie. If you don't know what I mean by that, well a delivery Zombie is when the bot carrying stops one node short of delivering. The delivery action is active always and seems Ok, the last node has no special node flag. I guess the bot thinks it is at the delivery point somehow. The conceivable cause would be some interaction with another event, but since it is rare it is impossible to be sure. The work around is to route to the deliver node and to get the opposite team to kill the zombies should they occur.

Your second idea is interesting, but what I prefer to do is to test the action explode on the targeted func_explosive for that dynamite action. Since that type of action is set goal 0 active 1 it does not have the rare problem of testing actions with goal -1. The limitation to this are those dynamite actions not linked to a func_explosive (ex. linked to a func_construct), in which case a fake one can be scripted in. (BTW for the back gate in your transmitter (in fritz2_1.00.pk3) the action explode would be action_add 34 34 1 574 1 0 0)
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