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Re: United Bot for HL2?
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Default Re: United Bot for HL2? - 18-05-2004

Bots are so easy to implement in unreal, most mods support them anyways. Plus, it was brought up at Unreal University(from a question to the developers about exposing engine functionality for a guy to develop an AI toolkit) that they wouldn't allow external programs to link directly into the engine without possibly licensing fees and approval, because they don't want you to have access to the engine. If someone has found out how to do it, don't be surprised if it gets shut down. What else does that leave? Q3 engine bots? Battlfield 1942 doesn't give source access either I don't believe, I think you have to do alot of the modifications to that through scripting as well, though its been a while since I looked into it so I could be wrong.
IMO it would be time better spent making a united bot that supports halflife 2 and all its mods, especially considering its looking like valve is porting all their mods to source. Redfox and I would like to head up the Team Fortress Source aspect, assuming TFC is one of the mods they port, which it appears it will be.

It would be nice to cooperatively put together a rock solid framework with which mod support can be built on top of for all flavors of HL2.

Omni-bot AI framework

Foxbot - for Team Fortress Classic

Last edited by DrEvil; 18-05-2004 at 23:12..
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