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Re: code to get the illumination at any point on the map
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Default Re: code to get the illumination at any point on the map - 17-03-2012

I've checked bots light_level and it was still 0. I was using PMTOOLS from the filebase.
pEntity->v.light_level = 0
I believe Your code is to make the light_level of bots alive, but - at least on the listenserver CS1.6 steam - it doesn't do the job. Or maybe I misunderstood the point of this code?
Just checked - on the dedicated server bots light_level is also still 0.
Of course all that will be as you describe
Because you do not assign a value of illumination received after the call of "Light::R_LightPoint" to variable "bot->v.light_level"!!
To get everything working as it should you just have to after each function call "pfnRunPlayerMove" to add the code:
if (!pBot->bDead)
   pEdict->v.light_level = Light::R_LightPoint (pEdict->v.origin);
and that's all!!!

as a result the code should look like:
g_engfuncs.pfnRunPlayerMove (pEdict, vecMoveAngles, pBot->f_move_speed, pBot->f_sidemove_speed, 0, pEdict->v.button, 0, (unsigned char) i_msecval);	// KWo - 25.09.2006 - thanks to THE_STORM

if (!pBot->bDead)
   pEdict->v.light_level = Light::R_LightPoint (pEdict->v.origin);
Why after calling of function "pfnRunPlayerMove"?
Because this function resets back to zero value of bot light_level and we just restores it to normal....
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