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Re: Entities missing or falsely triggered under Fritzbot RTCW
A Monkey
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Default Re: Entities missing or falsely triggered under Fritzbot RTCW - 07-11-2009

the only entity manipulation in code that i know of for fritz rtcw was the removal of map specific func_explosives. or at least i believe that they were map specific since we had to provide entity numbers for each map to remove obstacles that bots wouldn't target, but i'm guessing your map name differs from any other supported map ...

i guess it's possible that he may have added some filter to try and auto detect some that should be removed. maybe try to play with some of the func_explosive properties like Dmg, Mass, Health, etc. Are those any different than the working dynamite goal?

does setting developer 1 in your config give any useful output at the start of the map?

beyond that, i'm out of ideas since the source for the mod is not available.
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