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Re: Limitation of actions in the aiscript file
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Default Re: Limitation of actions in the aiscript file - 09-12-2007

Hi Tom,

Yes these are very good tips. Especially the closenode one I totally forgot for the final steal objective on the mlb map. I fixed it as well as I fix several other things and added few more waypoints and actions.

The link I posted earlier now contains the update files.

I still have 3 main issues with this map.

1. Seems to be another limit of statememnts inside the aiscript file. If I add like another 5-10 lines of actions (doesn't matter what) ET crashes after the allies complete the first major objective (you can see lines commented out for this reason in the aiscript).

2. I tried adding the fakebrushes from the wiki example but I got a crash outright. I am not sure if there is this limit (from 1) or the positioning yet. Even if I add the brushes properly though I notice the bots stuck at the bottom of the well sometimes. (The whole issue here is if the bots jump inside the water they cannot get out)

3. Inside the temple after the allies engineers place the dynamites (AND axis builds the wooden barrier) and these actions are complete, allies (LTs, Medics, Soldiers) stop. There are actions assigned however and I checked the closenodes they're good. Now If I blow up once the wooden barrier they wake up and from there on, they do as I expected (at least for as much as I tested the map).

I also noticed the goal number increments every time a major action is complete (as documented) but it does not decrement if a major dynamite plant goes through. I suppose this doesnt matter as the groups and aiscript control the key actions.

Another question I have is about the trap-buttons inside the temple. I assigned 1 action to activate each of the buttons for the axis. I do not see anything happening though. The button actions are assigned the func_door entities that's what I understood looking the rtcw tutorial. (I should not use the invisible user entity right?)

Thanks again for the tips.

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