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Relive the old days, reintroduce yourself!
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Default Relive the old days, reintroduce yourself! - 27-11-2006

We can't go back in time. Its a shame.

But we can try to 'make' things like the old times.

So, get rid of all HL2 and the Mods, and act like CS 1.6 is the best thing that ever happened to you! ;-)

To be seriously, we should really get together. Perhaps we can finish one of the promised architectures of a United Bot. Some day, one day.

But before we start about that, why don't we reintroduce ourselves? Let me start...

I am the author of RealBot and i have done some other projects. In fact, none of them are even finished. (that includes RealBot). Back then i was studying to become a primary teacher. But that did not work out. Now i program at a company in Java and will be doing my Java Certified Programmer Exam soon (20th december). I will also start a new study in Informatica (phew, finally i got to my senses) which i can finish rather fast (2.5 years instead of 4). But , only if i pass my Java Exam.

In fact, perhaps, i can even finish my new study with a subject / assey about writing Bots... And ofcourse , this time we do it 'right' and get all the goodies in it immidiatly. So that kind of forces me to rewrite a new bot...

So thats what is keeping my busy lately. I have had a chance to register lately and i have redesigned as well. In the end i want to be the home of all my projects (well, rather be a digital portfolio, linking...).

Anyway. Now lets hear about YOU!

Author of RealBot, "Arrakis" and "Dune 2 - The Maker" | co-Founder of Bots-United | Fundynamic | Blog | E-Mail me

Last edited by stefanhendriks; 27-11-2006 at 19:31.. Reason: grammatical error
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