Thread: Building podbot
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Building podbot
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Default Building podbot - 13-09-2006

I downloaded the PODBot mm SDk from the file base and have everything setup correctly with all of the include paths.
When I build I get this error.

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\MFC\INCLUDE\afxv_w32.h(14) : fatal error C1189: #error : WINDOWS.H already included. MFC apps must not #include <windows.h>

It is as if the project thinks it needs MFC but none of the setting in the project file tell it this. In fact the project says specifically to not include MFC.

Anyone run into this and know why the default build of the PODBot mm SDk fails?

I have replaced the podbot source files with the ones from
And I am building with vc6.0


Last edited by Austin; 14-09-2006 at 01:02..
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