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Market Garden & Keep Updates Done!
FritzRTCW Team Member
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Default Market Garden & Keep Updates Done! - 12-01-2006

Here they are guys, sorry it took so long. Alot of new changes (especially for Market Garden) so it should be well worth it i hope. Below is a list of all the changes.

Market Garden

- Redone all actions/route system from scratch

I deleted all the actions in the map and started over so some camp actions have been relocated and/or removed. I only setup 8 camps per team and i made the axis camp actions more spread out to help the allies a little more instead of getting slaughtered. The spawn flag is now Axis/Allies supported as well. The LT's/Soldier's still defend while the Engineer's and Medics still go for the objectives.

The Route system is technically the same but works better than before. The allies have in addition to a route system for the door, also now have one for the detonator as well.

- Added some miscellaneous paths and nodes

Just added some nodes here and there and some extra paths, nothing major in this department.

- Lowered the radius' for the top ladder nodes in the sewer access

I noticed bots having troubles going down, up these ladders so i lowered the top node radius' for both ladders to 15 and it seems to help a little.

- Lowered Default bot count to 19

This seems to work better and creates less lag, you can add/remove bots as you wish from there.

The map plays way better now IMHO, i'm pretty content with the new updates. The Axis play defense about the same and play offense a little more aggressivly as do the allies. The allies now plant dyno at the door now. They are also good at disarming at the comm. radio as well. There will still be some long matches of course but that's just how Market Garden is, if you played it online you know that it can have some long matches.


- Lowered the radius' for all top ladder nodes to 15 for more fluid ladder navigation.
- Moved the node leading out of the axis spawn to help the axis bots get out of the spawn area quicker.
- Added extra path to the left of the axis spawn to help bots get out of being stuck there jumping down from the balcony above.

I'm still looking for what's causing the periodic/sharp frame drops for this waypoint but me and mal can't find out what's causing it. We assume it's just how the map is and there's nothing that can be done to correct it but i'll keep looking.

Enjoy the updates guys.
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Updated: 1/12/06

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