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[Release] RCbot Svencoop HL Commando Waypointpack Revision 1.0
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Default [Release] RCbot Svencoop HL Commando Waypointpack Revision 1.0 - 02-06-2005


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Quote from "ThE_MarD's Readme For HL Commando WaypointPack R1.0.txt"

I made these waypoints for the fun of it all. Now remember, these levels weren't designed for bot usage in mind.

Now, the first 2 maps, are really not bot-friendly, but they get nicer towards the end.

There are a few maps where the bots won't use the lever buttons, I put the objective flags on waypoints beside them, but still no luck, I'm sure this can be fixed, otherwise, it ain't too hard to hit the buttons yourself anywho.

Bots also don't like the elevators, lol, I'm sure they'll always give me problems.

Ok, so that's about it, enjoy.

Just extract it into your "$moddir\rcbot\waypoints\svencoop" folder and pwn.

Later-a-much, and LONG LIVE THE D!
ę ThE_MarŠ

Later-a-much, and LONG LIVE THE D!,
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