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Re: the new event interface...
Pierre-Marie Baty
Roi de France
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Default Re: the new event interface... - 19-03-2005

I have managed to sort of "repair" the event interface in server plugins (I mean make the plugin able to hook ANY event, known or unknown).
// global variables
KeyValues *GameEvents;
KeyValues *EngineEvents;
KeyValues *ModEvents;

void CPlugin::LevelInit (const char *pMapName)
   KeyValues *pEvent;
   // read the game events
   GameEvents = new KeyValues ("GameEventsFile");
   if (GameEvents->LoadFromFile (filesystem, "resource/gameevents.res", "GAME"))
	  // loop through all events in this file and record ourselves as listener for each
	  for (pEvent = GameEvents->GetFirstSubKey (); pEvent; pEvent = pEvent->GetNextKey ())
		 gameeventmanager->AddListener (this, pEvent->GetName (), true);
	  ServerConsole_printf ("Unable to read game events from file\n");
   // read the engine events
   EngineEvents = new KeyValues ("EngineEventsFile");
   if (EngineEvents->LoadFromFile (filesystem, "resource/serverevents.res", "GAME"))
	  // loop through all events in this file and record ourselves as listener for each
	  for (pEvent = EngineEvents->GetFirstSubKey (); pEvent; pEvent = pEvent->GetNextKey ())
		 gameeventmanager->AddListener (this, pEvent->GetName (), true);
	  ServerConsole_printf ("Unable to read engine events from file\n");
   // read the MOD events
   ModEvents = new KeyValues ("ModEventsFile");
   if (ModEvents->LoadFromFile (filesystem, "resource/modevents.res", "MOD"))
	  // loop through all events in this file and record ourselves as listener for each
	  for (pEvent = ModEvents->GetFirstSubKey (); pEvent; pEvent = pEvent->GetNextKey ())
		 gameeventmanager->AddListener (this, pEvent->GetName (), true);
	  ServerConsole_printf ("Unable to read MOD events from file\n");

void CPlugin::LevelShutdown (void)
   // forget about game, engine and mod events
   GameEvents->deleteThis ();
   EngineEvents->deleteThis ();
   ModEvents->deleteThis ();
   gameeventmanager->RemoveListener (this); // and stop listening to them

void CPlugin::FireGameEvent (IGameEvent *event)
   // do we want to display game events on the fly ?
   if (hook_events.GetInt () > 0)
	  printf ("Event \"%s\" received\n", event->GetName ()); // notify the player on his HUD
	  PrintEvent (event);
   return; // finished

CON_COMMAND (listevt, "List all the events matching a given pattern")
   KeyValues *pEventAsKey;
   int event_count;
   char arg1[128]; // no way, I hate pointers...
   sprintf (arg1, engine->Cmd_Argv (1)); // get any argument to the command
   // tell people what we are going to do
   if (arg1[0] == 0)
	  ServerConsole_printf ("Printing out ALL game, server and MOD events...\n");
	  ServerConsole_printf ("Printing out game, server and MOD events matching \"%s\"...\n", arg1);
   ServerConsole_printf ("Game events:\n");
   event_count = 0;
   for (pEventAsKey = GameEvents->GetFirstSubKey (); pEventAsKey; pEventAsKey = pEventAsKey->GetNextKey ())
	  // if we want a particular pattern AND this event does not match
	  if ((arg1[0] != 0) && (strstr (pEventAsKey->GetName (), arg1) == NULL))
		 continue; // then skip it
	  PrintEventStructure (pEventAsKey); // display this event's structure
   ServerConsole_printf ("%d game event%s.\n", event_count, (event_count > 1 ? "s" : ""));
   ServerConsole_printf ("Engine events:\n");
   event_count = 0;
   for (pEventAsKey = EngineEvents->GetFirstSubKey (); pEventAsKey; pEventAsKey = pEventAsKey->GetNextKey ())
	  // if we want a particular pattern AND this event does not match
	  if ((arg1[0] != 0) && (strstr (pEventAsKey->GetName (), arg1) == NULL))
		 continue; // then skip it
	  PrintEventStructure (pEventAsKey); // display this event's structure
   ServerConsole_printf ("%d engine event%s.\n", event_count, (event_count > 1 ? "s" : ""));
   ServerConsole_printf ("MOD events:\n");
   event_count = 0;
   for (pEventAsKey = ModEvents->GetFirstSubKey (); pEventAsKey; pEventAsKey = pEventAsKey->GetNextKey ())
	  // if we want a particular pattern AND this event does not match
	  if ((arg1[0] != 0) && (strstr (pEventAsKey->GetName (), arg1) == NULL))
		 continue; // then skip it
	  PrintEventStructure (pEventAsKey); // display this event's structure
   ServerConsole_printf ("%d MOD event%s.\n", event_count, (event_count > 1 ? "s" : ""));

void PrintEvent (IGameEvent *pEvent)
   KeyValues *pEventAsKey;
   KeyValues *pKey;
   ServerConsole_printf ("Got event \"%s\"\n", pEvent->GetName ()); // event name
   ServerConsole_printf ("{\n"); // print the open brace
   // find the key/value corresponding to this event
   pEventAsKey = NULL;
   // look in the game events first...
   if (pEventAsKey == NULL)
	  for (pEventAsKey = GameEvents->GetFirstSubKey (); pEventAsKey; pEventAsKey = pEventAsKey->GetNextKey ())
		 if (strcmp (pEventAsKey->GetName (), pEvent->GetName ()) == 0)
   // if not found, then look in the engine events...
   if (pEventAsKey == NULL)
	  for (pEventAsKey = EngineEvents->GetFirstSubKey (); pEventAsKey; pEventAsKey = pEventAsKey->GetNextKey ())
		 if (strcmp (pEventAsKey->GetName (), pEvent->GetName ()) == 0)
   // and finally look for it in the mod events
   if (pEventAsKey == NULL)
	  for (pEventAsKey = ModEvents->GetFirstSubKey (); pEventAsKey; pEventAsKey = pEventAsKey->GetNextKey ())
		 if (strcmp (pEventAsKey->GetName (), pEvent->GetName ()) == 0)
   // display the whole key/value tree for this event
   for (pKey = pEventAsKey->GetFirstSubKey (); pKey; pKey = pKey->GetNextKey ())
	  // given the data type, print out the data
	  if (strcmp (pKey->GetString (), "none") == 0)
		 ServerConsole_printf ("   \"%s\" = no value (TYPE_NONE)\n", pKey->GetName ());
	  else if (strcmp (pKey->GetString (), "string") == 0)
		 ServerConsole_printf ("   \"%s\" = \"%s\" (TYPE_STRING)\n", pKey->GetName (), pEvent->GetString (pKey->GetName ()));
	  else if (strcmp (pKey->GetString (), "bool") == 0)
		 ServerConsole_printf ("   \"%s\" = %s (TYPE_BOOL)\n", pKey->GetName (), (pEvent->GetBool (pKey->GetName ()) ? "true" : "false"));
	  else if (strcmp (pKey->GetString (), "byte") == 0)
		 ServerConsole_printf ("   \"%s\" = %d (TYPE_BYTE)\n", pKey->GetName (), pEvent->GetInt (pKey->GetName ()));
	  else if (strcmp (pKey->GetString (), "short") == 0)
		 ServerConsole_printf ("   \"%s\" = %d (TYPE_SHORT)\n", pKey->GetName (), pEvent->GetInt (pKey->GetName ()));
	  else if (strcmp (pKey->GetString (), "long") == 0)
		 ServerConsole_printf ("   \"%s\" = %d (TYPE_LONG)\n", pKey->GetName (), pEvent->GetInt (pKey->GetName ()));
	  else if (strcmp (pKey->GetString (), "float") == 0)
		 ServerConsole_printf ("   \"%s\" = %f (TYPE_FLOAT)\n", pKey->GetName (), pEvent->GetFloat (pKey->GetName ()));
   ServerConsole_printf ("}\n"); // print the closing brace

void PrintEventStructure (KeyValues *pEventAsKey)
   KeyValues *pKey;
   ServerConsole_printf ("Event \"%s\"\n", pEventAsKey->GetName ()); // event name
   ServerConsole_printf ("{\n"); // print the open brace
   // display the whole key/value tree for this event
   for (pKey = pEventAsKey->GetFirstSubKey (); pKey; pKey = pKey->GetNextKey ())
	  // given the data type, print out the data
	  if (strcmp (pKey->GetString (), "none") == 0)
		 ServerConsole_printf ("   \"%s\", no value (TYPE_NONE)\n", pKey->GetName ());
	  else if (strcmp (pKey->GetString (), "string") == 0)
		 ServerConsole_printf ("   \"%s\" (TYPE_STRING)\n", pKey->GetName ());
	  else if (strcmp (pKey->GetString (), "bool") == 0)
		 ServerConsole_printf ("   \"%s\" (TYPE_BOOL)\n", pKey->GetName ());
	  else if (strcmp (pKey->GetString (), "byte") == 0)
		 ServerConsole_printf ("   \"%s\" (TYPE_BYTE)\n", pKey->GetName ());
	  else if (strcmp (pKey->GetString (), "short") == 0)
		 ServerConsole_printf ("   \"%s\" (TYPE_SHORT)\n", pKey->GetName ());
	  else if (strcmp (pKey->GetString (), "long") == 0)
		 ServerConsole_printf ("   \"%s\" (TYPE_LONG)\n", pKey->GetName ());
	  else if (strcmp (pKey->GetString (), "float") == 0)
		 ServerConsole_printf ("   \"%s\" (TYPE_FLOAT)\n", pKey->GetName ());
   ServerConsole_printf ("}\n"); // print the closing brace
Here are code bits from PMTools2, you should have enough to do something usable with them

RACC home - Bots-United: beer, babies & bots (especially the latter)
"Learn to think by yourself, else others will do it for you."
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