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RC for Monster_Plugin v4
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Default RC for Monster_Plugin v4 - 19-11-2004

Nihilanth isn't working out as I'd like, more on that here

I've got what I have packaged up with everything minus the windows .dll file. Minor notes added to the changes.txt which basically state all half-life 1 monsters other than nihilanth included plus otis from opposing force added as a clone to barney (good for team based settings). changes also include the beggining of a team based system wherein if team is set in monster_skill.cfg the monster will attack non-team members and follow team members to assist them. This team setting thing is currently incomplete other than barney and otis being statically assigned to teams 1 and 2 respectively but the code base is there for parsing the config file. monster.cpp files would need modified to use it though.

If anyone wants to check it out feel free. I'm calling this a release candidate because I've not had a chance to test it yet. Most is tested but there are a few minor diff's from my version I run on my server (mostly pertaining to icky and custom models for some monsters) and the team config stuff was added tonight and is untested (but mostly unused so should be fine).

Download from - source and release files are all in that package.

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