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Re: concerning waypointing
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Default Re: concerning waypointing - 05-10-2004

Originally Posted by Denny
i'd be happy to waypoint for the mod as well, once you get objective mode running and a waypointing system worked out.

One of my biggest hassles right now is waypointing maps, so when I get a node system down I like, I'll appreciate all the help I can get!

GHOST: Fritz handles ladders OK, the only problem I've seen is sometimes they can bunch up on ladders, with 2 or more bots fighting for the same ladder, which is why you don't see Fritz use ladders on BASE or DESTRUCTION. Its something I will be working on and improving.

Buttons is something I need to work on yet, but not sure how to tackle it yet. They understand button-less doors just fine tho, without any help from the node system even!

Also - I'll have to design some kind of GUI for the node system so that people can easily add nodes to maps, kind of like how Wolfbot did. Right now, its not pretty, but since I'm the only one who can see it, I don't worry. Only problem is, most of the CGAME and the menu scripting system is a complete black box to me, so I'll have a lot to learn to get that moving forward.

Dum Spiro Spero

Last edited by Maleficus; 05-10-2004 at 06:24..
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