Thread: Wanna be a bot?
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Re: Wanna be a bot?
Maleficus's Avatar
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Default Re: Wanna be a bot? - 30-08-2004

Shepard: your kidding right m8? Or was it a brain fart?

Chronos: Right now they don't strafe jump, but thats a design choice on my part, I had them doing it at one time, not real pretty, but it was strafe jumping. I liked it in Q3, but strafe jumping in Wolf just seems wrong. If it becomes a major weak point for the bots, I'll let them do it too again, but personally I dislike it.

Hangfire: its not for Enemy Territory m8 - just RtCW. Your profile has been created btw.

Dum Spiro Spero

Last edited by Maleficus; 30-08-2004 at 08:54..