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Re: Blinking WPs when editing
Pierre-Marie Baty
Roi de France
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Default Re: Blinking WPs when editing - 29-05-2004

In order to make waypointers able to do their job faster, I changed the way the waypoint display code worked. Originally it was re-checked every second, so that you had to stand on a waypoint for 1 second before it started appearing (this is also true for the pathwaypoints). I changed this to 0.1 or 0.2 second periods, this is what gave the waypoint editor a better reactivity (changes to paths and waypoints were visible immediately). However, this introduced a new problem, that is that the HL engine has a limitation on how many TEs (temporary entities) it displays each frame. The beams used to display waypoints are temporary entities. In your case here the limit must be met, and the engine stops displaying any TE at all for a short period of time. I'm not sure there's any other solution but to display less informations for the waypoints. Every straight beam is a TE ; that is to say that every waypoint AND every pathwaypoint, every radius beam of the waypoint radius AND every branch of the crosses that are displayed on top of nohostage waypoints use a "slot" in the TE list.

The solution would perhaps be to dynamically adjust the radius under which to display the waypoints, in function of the number of beams being displayed. Less beams => larger radius, more beams => smaller radius. That should be feasible, but it's not IMO a very annoying issue, is it ?

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