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Re: Unreal engine driver communication
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Default Re: Unreal engine driver communication - 08-04-2004

UnrealScript doesn't have pointers to memory addresses. Thus you can't read/write to a memory buffer with UnrealScript.

Yes, the Touch() code Lazy posted is C++ native code which can't be compiled without all the engine .h header files (needed for the member variables and functions in the C++ classes) not to mention needing the .lib libraries to resolve engine functions.

If we plan on using UnrealScript to control a bot, I think the only external interface will be via a TCP/IP socket through the loopback interface to another application running on the same host.

The biggest disadvantage for Unreal will be not being able to get world geometry information (which would be needed to generate navigation meshes). You can do ray traces through the world using UnrealScript and you can search the world for nearby objects (like other players or weapons), but that's about the limit of what can be obtained about the world.

Navigation will probably have to depend on waypoints (which is what UT2k3/2k4 already uses, called PathNodes and NavigationPoints).

UT2k3 can be found for pretty cheap here in the USA...

So you might want to pick yourself up a copy if you don't already have it. Once you install the latest patch (available from the Epic website), you won't be required to have the CD available to run the game.

I'll make a new thread with some Unreal coding links that I have found and maybe that will help people investigate it a little more.

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