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HangFire 18-11-2004 11:26

HL2 post game analysis [spoilers]
Ending kind of sucked. Gordon should be dead from that explosion, and I was kind of expecting an epic battle for the end, but instead its another shrub-niggarath. I really wasn't expecting that scene to be the end. Left way too many unanswered questions.

It was mentioned that the combine were from another universe or something, but that really didn't explain very much. They should have stretched out the last chapter to explain more about the combine and make a decent end "boss".

I'd rate HL2 80%. Better than Doom 3, but still could have been better. Mostly bug free, but at this one scene in the game where Gordon, Alyx and Mossman are working the teleporter at the end of the prison chapter the scripting was broken for me. Everyone just stood around.

biohazerd87 18-11-2004 17:25

Re: HL2 post game analysis [spoilers]

Originally Posted by HangFire
Ending kind of sucked. Gordon should be dead from that explosion, and I was kind of expecting an epic battle for the end, but instead its another shrub-niggarath. I really wasn't expecting that scene to be the end. Left way too many unanswered questions.

It was mentioned that the combine were from another universe or something, but that really didn't explain very much. They should have stretched out the last chapter to explain more about the combine and make a decent end "boss".

I'd rate HL2 80%. Better than Doom 3, but still could have been better. Mostly bug free, but at this one scene in the game where Gordon, Alyx and Mossman are working the teleporter at the end of the prison chapter the scripting was broken for me. Everyone just stood around.

actually i think the combine are Hgrunts but i could be wrong

HangFire 18-11-2004 18:55

Re: HL2 post game analysis [spoilers]
Yes they're human, as Barney was recruited as one.

biohazerd87 18-11-2004 18:58

Re: HL2 post game analysis [spoilers]
he wasn't recruited, he was under cover

HangFire 19-11-2004 02:16

Re: HL2 post game analysis [spoilers]
Well same difference.

MarD 22-11-2004 07:48

Re: HL2 post game analysis [spoilers]

Definately another universe man, remember, that main badguy said that he'd be teleported to another universe... well, before the ending that is. ;)

The scripting worked perfectly for me, I think for a game it's the best, cause the cutscenes weren't cinematic were you couldn't move, you cound run aboot and do what you wanted. ;)

Gordon may be a scientist, but the stuff you do makes him seem like a n00b, like, going into one of those prisoner clamps... i mean, why not hang onto the outside? I'd be hard yes, but better than incarcerated...

I hated those headcrabs that poison you, it shouldn't take you down to only 1 health, I've died a couple times from them and then another headcrab would leap outta somewhere and kill me... annoying...

I LOVE the new crossbow, how it launches those heated metal rods, freakin' pwns. :D

HangFire 22-11-2004 09:23

Re: HL2 post game analysis [spoilers]
Yeah the crossbow is a lot better, but I miss some of the old guns like the hand-held guass gun and the egon.

MarD 22-11-2004 22:30

Re: HL2 post game analysis [spoilers]

True, but the one part that pissed me off is how rockets are guided only... you can't change it to off. I've died a few times by striders cause I couldn't turn off the guided mode, and had to stand out there so the rocket would hit it, or I'd hide, and the rocket homes in on the object just infront of me... oh the choices how few and agonizing they are. :P

stefanhendriks 22-11-2004 23:07

Re: HL2 post game analysis [spoilers]
finished HL2.

The ending did not suck at all! Although it did come unexpected. Btw, gordon does not die because time gets frozen. And actually i think its a lead to HL3. Remember the teleporting with Alyx? The scientist said you where away for a WEEK. Though it was only a few secs for you and alyx.

The g-man really rocks, though its very hard to spot him. I have seen him 2 times appearing in the game. I bet he is mroe often visible, though you are busy with so many other things :)

Also, noticed the ending is the same as the begin? (the stars, and such). And, as the g-man said, it also looked to him you did your job within a few seconds too.

HangFire 22-11-2004 23:40

Re: HL2 post game analysis [spoilers]
Still, I was hoping for more answers and less questions. Now to wait for HL3:D

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