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-   -   Is it possible for YaPB(Godlike) to defeat zbot(Expert)? (http://forums.bots-united.com/showthread.php?t=7602)

szfzafa 12-05-2010 15:55

Is it possible for YaPB(Godlike) to defeat zbot(Expert)?
Currently i'm using 2.55+(from googlecode)
this makes bots' aiming shaky a lot:

      // randomize the target position
      m_enemyOrigin = targetOrigin + ((pev->velocity - m_enemy->v.velocity).SkipZ () * m_frameInterval * 1.2f);

i removed this and add YaPB in one team, everyone in max skill, to fight against Zbot in the other side, but still Zbot beat the shit out of YaPB:sweatdrop::sweatdrop:

anyone got some ideas to improve YaPB combat skill & performance?:blushing:


szfzafa 12-05-2010 16:05

Re: Is it possible for YaPB(Godlike) to defeat zbot(Expert)?

Vector Bot::GetAimPosition (void)
// the purpose of this function, is to make bot aiming not so ideal. it's mutate m_enemyOrigin enemy vector
// returned from visibility check function.
float hardcodedZ = UsesSniper () ? 15.0f : 17.0f;
float distance = (m_enemy->v.origin - pev->origin).GetLength ();
// get enemy position initially
Vector targetOrigin = m_enemy->v.origin;
// this is cheating, stolen from official csbot
if (yb_hardmode.GetBool ())
hardcodedZ = (UsesSniper () ? 2.32f : UsesPistol () ? 5.9f : (distance < 300 ? 4.68f : 6.98f)) + hardcodedZ;
hardcodedZ = hardcodedZ - (0.6f * (100.0f - m_skill)) + engine->RandomFloat (5.0f, 6.0f);
// do not aim at head, at long distance (only if not using sniper weapon)
if ((m_visibility & VISIBILITY_BODY) && !UsesSniper () && !UsesPistol () && ((targetOrigin - pev->origin).GetLength () > (yb_hardmode.GetBool () ? 2400.0f : 1800.0f)))
m_visibility &= ~VISIBILITY_HEAD;
// if target player is a chicken reset z axis
if (*reinterpret_cast <signed short *> (INFOKEY_VALUE (GET_INFOKEYBUFFER (m_enemy), "model")) == (('h' << 8) + 'c'))
hardcodedZ = 0.0f;
// if we only suspect an enemy behind a wall take the worst skill
if ((m_states & STATE_SUSPECTENEMY) && !(m_states & STATE_SEEINGENEMY))
targetOrigin = targetOrigin + Vector (engine->RandomFloat (m_enemy->v.mins.x, m_enemy->v.maxs.x), engine->RandomFloat (m_enemy->v.mins.y, m_enemy->v.maxs.y), engine->RandomFloat (m_enemy->v.mins.z, m_enemy->v.maxs.z));
// now take in account different parts of enemy body
if (m_visibility & (VISIBILITY_HEAD | VISIBILITY_BODY)) // visible head & body
// now check is our skill match to aim at head, else aim at enemy body
if ((engine->RandomInt (1, 100) < g_skillTab[m_skill / 20].headshotFrequency) || UsesPistol ())
targetOrigin = targetOrigin + Vector (0, 0, hardcodedZ);
targetOrigin = targetOrigin;
else if (m_visibility & VISIBILITY_HEAD) // visible only head
targetOrigin = targetOrigin + Vector (0, 0, hardcodedZ);
else if (m_visibility & VISIBILITY_BODY) // visible only body
targetOrigin = targetOrigin + Vector (0, 0, hardcodedZ);
else if (m_visibility & VISIBILITY_OTHER) // random part of body is visible
targetOrigin = m_enemyOrigin;
else // something goes wrong, use last enemy origin
targetOrigin = m_lastEnemyOrigin;
m_lastEnemyOrigin = targetOrigin;
if (yb_hardmode.GetBool ())
m_enemyOrigin = (targetOrigin + (m_enemy->v.velocity.SkipZ () * (m_frameInterval * 1.5f)));
// if uses sniper do not predict enemy position
if (UsesSniper ())
m_enemyOrigin = targetOrigin;
float divOffs, betweenDist = (m_enemyOrigin - pev->origin).GetLength ();
if (pev->fov < 40)
divOffs = betweenDist / 2000;
else if (pev->fov < 90)
divOffs = betweenDist / 1000;
divOffs = betweenDist / 500;
targetOrigin.x += divOffs * engine->RandomFloat (-g_skillTab[m_skill / 20].aimOffs_X, g_skillTab[m_skill / 20].aimOffs_X);
targetOrigin.y += divOffs * engine->RandomFloat (-g_skillTab[m_skill / 20].aimOffs_Y, g_skillTab[m_skill / 20].aimOffs_Y);
targetOrigin.z += divOffs * engine->RandomFloat (-g_skillTab[m_skill / 20].aimOffs_Z, g_skillTab[m_skill / 20].aimOffs_Z);
// randomize the target position
//m_enemyOrigin = targetOrigin + ((pev->velocity - m_enemy->v.velocity).SkipZ () * m_frameInterval * 1.2f);
return m_enemyOrigin;
it really sucks...feel strange...*_*

Immortal_BLG 12-05-2010 23:06

Re: Is it possible for YaPB(Godlike) to defeat zbot(Expert)?
Here also much depends not only from aiming....

szfzafa 13-05-2010 02:11

Re: Is it possible for YaPB(Godlike) to defeat zbot(Expert)?
i have to admit that...
since I changed GetAimPosition like this:

Vector Bot::GetAimPosition (void)
{// get enemy position initially
Vector targetOrigin = m_enemy->v.origin;
return targetOrigin;
but YaPB still aim shaky...
even can't mess with Zbot normal@_@

To the worst, the basic structure of combat in 2.5x versions was rewritten but works definitely much less effient than earlier versions(like
is it on experienment, for jeefo?

szfzafa 13-05-2010 15:25

Re: Is it possible for YaPB(Godlike) to defeat zbot(Expert)?
I also rewrote void Bot::CombatFight (void) function(in style), maybe it turned out less shaky, through still shaky when attacking(shake between upright and downleft)...
In rounds of tests, YaPB vs zbot turns into a close match in some time, but obviously zbot is winning by a neck.

Soooooooooooo what makes YaPB shaky like that?

Ancient 13-05-2010 17:34

Re: Is it possible for YaPB(Godlike) to defeat zbot(Expert)?
I don't think it's a problem with BotAim since PodBot MM doesn't shake like that.
It will likely have to be something inside YaPB.

szfzafa 15-05-2010 08:14

Re: Is it possible for YaPB(Godlike) to defeat zbot(Expert)?
can't agree more.
and it happen only in ver1.00 and 2.55(googlecode)

now i'm switching to 2.51(last modified by ProRaiL)

JayDee 06-09-2011 14:28

Re: Is it possible for YaPB(Godlike) to defeat zbot(Expert)?
Is it possible to use two bots at the same time ?!? :confused:
Never thought about it.
But im using CS 1.5 so zbot won't work for me...
Can I use instead of zbot JoeBot or something with Metamod
and Podbot at the same time without any errors or bugs?!?

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