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-   -   Turn off Bots shooting back after Teamattack (http://forums.bots-united.com/showthread.php?t=9978)

joeysmile 23-02-2015 16:13

Turn off Bots shooting back after Teamattack
is there any possibility to turn off the behaviour of bots that when they are friendlyfired they are shooting 100% back, is there any cvar for it, its quite annoying, i use ATAC so I do not want the bots shooting back at all.

KWo 23-02-2015 20:01

Re: Turn off Bots shooting back after Teamattack
Don't shoot at Your bots-friends, then. Real players don't like that, too. :D
Seriously I have seen some players on some server firing for fun at bots-teamnates to get the fire back and then to punish them because of ATAC plugin. But I didn't add any cvar to block that. There is already so many cvars, so I didn't want to add one more yet.

joeysmile 25-02-2015 12:31

Re: Turn off Bots shooting back after Teamattack
thanx for a quick answer

true true :) but it is not because of me, but because of other players who visit my servers, especially the new gungame, where such mistakes can happen, for game destroyers i I put ATAC plugin there, but some players attack the bot again and the bot attackes them again, until some of them dies and I have very nice bots with the excuse plugin, they say sorry after the kill player :D

so is there any way to disable it completly these days?

The Storm 25-02-2015 23:23

Re: Turn off Bots shooting back after Teamattack
KWo, this will be nice feature really. It should't be too hard.
I don't think that many cvars are bad thing, they are choice. :)

joeysmile 15-05-2015 13:41

Re: Turn off Bots shooting back after Teamattack
so is there any way to disable it now? it is really annoying for the players, especially on gungame, please can U help me?

KWo 15-05-2015 19:20

Re: Turn off Bots shooting back after Teamattack
The project is currently "suspended". Maybe one day I'll find the new inspiration and I'll start to implement new functions in podbot mm again. :)

joeysmile 17-05-2015 18:45

Re: Turn off Bots shooting back after Teamattack
Thank You, You have the best bots, not only in cs... hope one day it will come true :) menawhile could it be possible for example wit an amxx plugin?
and I have one question more, why the bots on gungame, after spawning, do not attack right after spawn, when someone is on their spawn, but have delay and are just standing, so it is easy for the players to overpower opposite spawns and kill after spawn

if u want to check the servers it is
BRUT.me Conter Strike 1.6 GUNGAME

ExAnimo 24-05-2015 00:20

Re: Turn off Bots shooting back after Teamattack
I too have offers and ideas on development of the bot

When at a point of a ways there are a lot of connections, the bot in game hangs on this point and doesn't move forward thus it brakes all team.
Maybe it is necessary to give in such cases to bots any first random way and not to count it way beforehand.

And it is necessary to add support of a plugin where players can pass the friend through the friend
pb_semiclip 0-1

i love snowball war plugin but unfortunately there is nobody to play, would be fun to play with bots
pb_snowballwar 0-1

pb_invisible 0-1 for invisible game mod when only 1 player in T team is invisible and with knife
Who will kill T that will become invisible T in next round

also it will be quite good if it is possible to delete automatically ways which are blocked by corners that bots bypassed corners of boxes and walls and didn't come across them

Maybe should add a little more similarity to the human. Add opportunity to rise to the bot on the bot to jump on an inaccessible box

Small fun tricks like that as at the end of a round the team of winners will come to a corpse of the last player and will knife it

joeysmile 23-06-2015 11:46

Re: Turn off Bots shooting back after Teamattack
is that delay after spawning not fixable at gungame?

Mordekay 04-02-2018 18:25

Re: Turn off Bots shooting back after Teamattack
Sorry to dig out this ancient thread, but i also want to turn that ta-revenge off.
It's just shit that you, accidentially, attack a bot and the bot then often kills you. I would accept if they give you one bullet back, but often they spay half a clip into you.

Austin 26-02-2018 10:34

Re: Turn off Bots shooting back after Teamattack
I agree it would be good to have the ability to turn off revenge. If you are playing with FF on you can easily accidentally shoot a teamate.

Maybe there is a way we can get this added!


Mordekay 17-04-2018 11:31

Re: Turn off Bots shooting back after Teamattack
Are you at least still around KWo or is this project dead?

joeysmile 16-05-2018 11:29

Re: Turn off Bots shooting back after Teamattack
Hope it is not, I am still using podbot on my server and they are perfect, this is the only one thing that really is not good if ff is on, or is here someone, who could implement this feature to have a cvar for it, or at least to compile a version where shooting back is just disabled at all

Mordekay 21-05-2018 06:56

Re: Turn off Bots shooting back after Teamattack
3 and a half month since my rerequest and more than 4 weeks since my last post.
I take this as "this projeckt is dead".:|

The Storm 22-05-2018 14:35

Re: Turn off Bots shooting back after Teamattack
I haven't seen KWo around from very long time, so I guess that you assumptions are correct.

KWo 22-05-2018 20:37

Re: Turn off Bots shooting back after Teamattack
I would rather say the project is suspended instead dead... ;)

Mordekay 22-05-2018 21:06

Re: Turn off Bots shooting back after Teamattack
Suspended, dead. As long there is no progress it is the same.

The Storm 24-05-2018 16:12

Re: Turn off Bots shooting back after Teamattack
Technically speaking an open source project cannot be dead, because the source is available to everyone and a person with enough skills can take over and continue the development.

RoboCop 24-05-2018 16:16

Re: Turn off Bots shooting back after Teamattack
I could do that if you got the src code provided. Also I did recompile and optimised nearly 6-8 HL Bots, RCBot2, StatsMe, ClanMod, AdminMod as well as some of Pierre's Metamod addons. I may not be a C++ expert but I got some good experience in fixing certain Metamod addons...

The Storm 24-05-2018 16:18

Re: Turn off Bots shooting back after Teamattack
They are available in the filebase along with the latest build:

RoboCop 24-05-2018 18:07

Re: Turn off Bots shooting back after Teamattack
Also you can try YaPB which are compatible with PODBot waypoints. I've been using the beta builds for CS 1.6 and CZero but don't appear stable on my Linux server. I'm currently using YAPB v2.73.4549.0


Mordekay 25-05-2018 14:51

Re: Turn off Bots shooting back after Teamattack
As i'm also on linux they are not an option.

KWo 27-05-2018 09:37

Re: Turn off Bots shooting back after Teamattack

Originally Posted by The Storm (Post 67089)
They are available in the filebase along with the latest build:

The latest sources of podbot mm I was working on are here:

RoboCop 27-05-2018 13:20

Re: Turn off Bots shooting back after Teamattack
I'll see if I can recompile that latest src code on my side. However I suggest we remove the AMD64 support and use GCC 4.8.

Mordekay 28-05-2018 13:28

Re: Turn off Bots shooting back after Teamattack
I'd be happy if you would share your compiled version with me.

RoboCop 28-05-2018 15:50

Re: Turn off Bots shooting back after Teamattack
1 Attachment(s)
I've recompiled POD-Bot build as V3B23-APG but didn't alter the headers nor cpp files except for "PBMM_VERSION_STRING" from bot.h. I did some adjustments to the Makefile as well removed AMD64 support as well removed the _i386 suffix and named it as "podbot_mm.so" to make the name short and simple.

I used Hullu's MetaMod-P37 src header files and HLSDK 2.3p4 and they seem to recompile well together. As for the the optimisation and base flags I've added SSE2 support and for i686 Arch with G++ 4.8 and had to add "-m32" to ensure it compiles as a 32-bit binary only.

Here is PB V3B23-APG Linux build!

Also I tried to attach it as a Tarball Gzip file, but it appears vBulletin Attachment needs to allow file extension for the tar.gz or even tar.xz to be uploaded so I had to compress it as a regular .zip file.


Update: it appears this Linux build needs some fixes as my GDB spotted a crash error:-

PHP Code:

Thread 1 "hlds_linux" received signal SIGSEGVSegmentation fault.
0xf2ba81fc in WaypointFindNearestToMove(edict_s*, Vector) () from /home/desktop/steamcmd/hlds/cstrike/addons/podbot/podbot_mm.so
#0  0xf2ba81fc in WaypointFindNearestToMove(edict_s*, Vector) ()
from /home/desktop/steamcmd/hlds/cstrike/addons/podbot/podbot_mm.so
#1  0xf2b8b8d7 in BotClient_CS_BombDrop(void*, int) () from /home/desktop/steamcmd/hlds/cstrike/addons/podbot/podbot_mm.so
#2  0xf2ba0ff0 in pfnWriteCoord(float) () from /home/desktop/steamcmd/hlds/cstrike/addons/podbot/podbot_mm.so
#3  0xf3a1d7aa in api_caller_void_args_f(void const*, void const*) ()
from /home/desktop/steamcmd/hlds/./cstrike/addons/metamod/metamod.so
#4  0xf3a1c78f in main_hook_function_void(unsigned int, enum_api_t, unsigned int, void const*) ()
from /home/desktop/steamcmd/hlds/./cstrike/addons/metamod/metamod.so
#5  0xf3a22163 in mm_WriteCoord(float) () from /home/desktop/steamcmd/hlds/./cstrike/addons/metamod/metamod.so
#6  0xf3846687 in CBasePlayer::DropPlayerItem (this=0x80cbf40, pszItemName=<optimized out>) at ../cstrike/dlls/player.cpp:9042
#7  0xf38472c1 in CBasePlayer::Killed (this=0x80cbf40, pevAttacker=0xf4332acc, iGib=1) at ../cstrike/dlls/player.cpp:2566
#8  0xf364b8c2 in ?? () from /home/desktop/steamcmd/hlds/cstrike/addons/AGuard/dlls/AGuard_mm_i386.so
Backtrace stoppedprevious frame inner to this frame (corrupt stack?) 

Mordekay 04-06-2018 12:31

Re: Turn off Bots shooting back after Teamattack
What about if you simply compile the source-code untouched exept removed the part of the revenge shootings of the bots?

KWo 06-06-2018 21:12

Re: Turn off Bots shooting back after Teamattack
About team revenge - find in the file botcombat.cpp the function called FireHurtsFriend and find there following lines:
PHP Code:

   if (!FNullEnt (tr.pHit))
ENTINDEX (tr.pHit) - 1;
      if ((
>= 0) && (gpGlobals->maxClients))  // KWo - 13.03.2006
         if ((
clients[i].iTeam == pBot->bot_team) && (pEdict->v.dmg_inflictor != clients[i].pEdict)
            && ((
clients[i].iFlags CLIENT_ALIVE) || (clients[i].fDeathTime >= gpGlobals->time)))  // KWo - 18.01.2011
            if (
ALERT (at_logged,"[DEBUG] FireHurtsFriend - Bot %s cannot fire because it may hurt its friend %s (1).\n"pBot->nameSTRING (clients[i].pEdict->v.netname));

            return (

and change the part:
PHP Code:

(pEdict->v.dmg_inflictor != clients[i].pEdict

this way:
PHP Code:

((pEdict->v.dmg_inflictor != clients[i].pEdict) || 
pEdict->v.dmgtime 1.5 <= gpGlobals->time)) 

That should at least reduce the time for team revenges to maximum 1.5 sec from the time the bot got hurt by its friend. If that will not be enough satisfying - reduce the time to 1s. I would not reccommend to remove at all the team revenge function. Adding the cvar to on/off the team revenge function is more complicated and I don't have time to elaborate it.</div>

About that segmentation fault - compile the *.so file with debug flag enabled (in my makefile there was a way how to make the debuged version). Then it should write more details in gdb to let You narrow down the problem with the crash.

RoboCop 06-06-2018 22:25

Re: Turn off Bots shooting back after Teamattack
It will take a while for me to change that .cpp line as I've just got my new PC delivered and need to use apt-get install for GCC and more on my new Linux machine. I'll try to switch to Debug compile mode and use -g or maybe -ggdb flags.

Mordekay 07-06-2018 14:58

Re: Turn off Bots shooting back after Teamattack
If someone could gave me a link to a tutorial on how to compile this or, if it is not to much work the needed commands i would do this on my own:helpsmilie:

RoboCop 07-06-2018 18:19

Re: Turn off Bots shooting back after Teamattack
Well for this POD-Bot src files it appears it got no Visual Studio nor MSVC6 project files, as this uses a Linux Makefile only and had been cross-compiled by GCC with Cygwin or MinGW for Windows builds. It maybe very hard to learn and how to use Makefile on Linux Terminal as well adjusting the Compile Flags for GCC. Best use your search engine and maybe look up from superuser.com or Ubuntu forums. But I don't know if AlliedMods forums will give you some professional guides, as I'm not a C++ expert, sorry.

KWo 07-06-2018 21:42

Re: Turn off Bots shooting back after Teamattack
For linux builds I was using CYGWIN application. Of course with linux gcc files. More info about how I was compiling binaries for windows and linux under windows You can try to find here:
How to compile binaries (dll, so) under windows
The MSVC project files are posted here:

RoboCop 09-06-2018 04:13

Re: Turn off Bots shooting back after Teamattack
1 Attachment(s)
Alright I've added your script fix for "(pEdict->v.dmg_inflictor != clients[i].pEdict)" and recompiled the debug versions for both Windows and Linux POD-Bot. They aren't as a complete package and for Linux servers to load POD-Bot you will need to remove in /addons/metamod/plugins.ini file the "_i386" suffix from "linux addons/podbot/podbot_mm_i386.so".

And it appears that POD-Bot Debug V3B23-APG build is running fine on my CS 1.6 Linux server!

Mordekay 09-06-2018 07:15

Re: Turn off Bots shooting back after Teamattack
Did you reduce the time bots doing they "revenge-shooting"?

RoboCop 10-06-2018 23:47

Re: Turn off Bots shooting back after Teamattack
Not me.

KWo 11-06-2018 22:10

Re: Turn off Bots shooting back after Teamattack

Originally Posted by RoboCop (Post 67109)
Alright I've added your script fix for "(pEdict->v.dmg_inflictor != clients[i].pEdict)" and recompiled the debug versions for both Windows and Linux POD-Bot. They aren't as a complete package and for Linux servers to load POD-Bot you will need to remove in /addons/metamod/plugins.ini file the "_i386" suffix from "linux addons/podbot/podbot_mm_i386.so".

And it appears that POD-Bot Debug V3B23-APG build is running fine on my CS 1.6 Linux server!


Originally Posted by RoboCop (Post 67113)
Not me.

If You have added the fix, then the time of team revenge is reduced to 1.5 sec.
@Mordekay - please try if it's satisfying You.

Mordekay 11-06-2018 23:33

Re: Turn off Bots shooting back after Teamattack
Not really. If i attack a bot it still most of the time kills me.
Another Thing. Sometimes a bot attacks your although your did not attack hin, but while shooting an enemy.

Mordekay 13-06-2018 12:02

Re: Turn off Bots shooting back after Teamattack
Not really. They still most of the time kill me if i attack them.

Another thing i noticed is that sometimes bots start shooting each other although they didn't got atacked. Seems like they just start to shoot you because you are shooting, no matter if you hit them or not. If they don't see an enemy while you are shooting they atack you or the other bot. I guess this is also part of this code.

RoboCop 13-06-2018 13:34

Re: Turn off Bots shooting back after Teamattack
Well the good news is from my side is they haven't crashed for 4 days on my Linux CS 1.6 server. Even though I use some lightweight plugins that doesn't use too much of my CS 1.6 server's utilisation and consumption.

Their interactions doesn't seem to as good as YaPB for all I know. And as for the SSE2 and i686 optimisations I cannot tell if they are working faster but that's because they are compiled as Debug builds that can spew more logs and specific details that flood my .log files too much and my Linux Terminal.

Mordekay 13-06-2018 19:55

Re: Turn off Bots shooting back after Teamattack
Server crashing was not my problem, nor from the original author of this thread. All the problem was the "bad bot behaviour".

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