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-   -   Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^ (http://forums.bots-united.com/showthread.php?t=5226)

KWo 28-10-2006 17:37

Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
V3 Build 16a

+Changed aiming system to make bots harder again (to make finally person135 happy :P)
+Fixed bug with shoving/pushing hostages intead pickup/use them by bots
+Changed the system of finding bombs by CTs (before they were trying to go the closests goal WP, then they were randomly choosing another one; currently if they choose some goal WP and they are near it and they cannot hear the bomb, they check some farer away goal WPs - to prevent visit for example 5 goal WPs at the same bomb site if they cannot hera the bomb at that bomb site).
+Bots should camp a bit more often instead rush all the time.

@person135: to compare podbot mm with other bots use always the highest skills (100) and eventually hardcore mode or ultra kill other bots have. Don't compare them at level (80) or whatever below (100).

Known bugs/issues - sometimes during camping the bot is looking on the ground just in front of it-self (for no reason). Sometimes the bot is duck ing and just after standing up often in the short time. These are minor issues I think You may deal with them and still have fun with playing podbot mm. :)

The version works much better than the official V3B15. Probably - if no one will report any serious problem with V3B16a - this version will stay the official one.

person135 28-10-2006 17:56

Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
thanks KWo for making them harder, but I'm pretty satisfied already. I guess I can always turn down the level a bit if they're too hard.

making them camp more is better, but there are some bugs with camping. I think you really need sniper camp waypoints. I've seen bots camp with shotguns at camp spots where a sniper would work best. Also, one time, in this area that really needed a sniper rifle, I saw a bot camp with a knife, then after 5 seconds, he switched to his sniper rifle. this bug isn't a very big one but...

Also, it could be me, but yesterday when I was playing a fabulous match with pbmm and epod, too few of the bots used sniper rifles. I think I should look at their weapons setup.

KWo 28-10-2006 19:11

Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
V3 Build 16b
+Bots aim better the moving target - because of this they should be harder again.

@person135 - please download again the latest beta.
BTW - they sometimes camp with a knife, but they switch to the primary weapon if they can hear some incoming enemy.
I've forgot to say yapb bots still are a bit harder, but they own even CZERO bots, so that's normal... :)

KWo 18-11-2006 22:49

Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
1 Attachment(s)
V3 Build 16c

+Bots should aim better farer away targets.
+Bots should better recognize if they can or they cannot hurt their friends while shooting
+Bots should use the knife more often in shorter distances.
+Bots should better try to find the bomb to defuse it (CTs).
+Fixed problem with the lift on as_highrise (the lift with the door) - such lift needs also the special waypointing - I'll upload the pwf soon.
+Added the new cvar pb_skin which forces the usage by bots the specyfied skin (1..4 - forced skin; 0,5 - no forcing) regardless of "pbb add" or "pb fillserver" parameters
+Added support for pickuping weapons created by CSDM 2.x (by BAILOPAN) in item mode

As always - please test it and give me the feedback
@persons135 - please, test if they are harder again.
@Austin - please test this what You requested.
@Ancient - please test lifts on cs_siege and as_oilrig - if the new code I've added to support the lift on as_highrise didn't screw up the work of the lifts they were already working.

Note - yapb still is harder. They kill podbot mm about 2 times more than pb mm kill yapb. The result on test with CSDM in the attachement.
CTs - yapb 2.30, Ts - podbot mm V3B16c.

Ancient 18-11-2006 23:34

Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
The lifts are working fine.

KWo 19-11-2006 17:05

Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
I've just uploaded here the demo with pwf for as_highrise. That lift maybe is not working so good like as_oilrig or cs_siege, but I haven't had too much time to catch any better situation. Unfortunatelly the bot were stucking also a lot while recording that demo (it happens also if the bots are foirced to use the same goal wp if they start from some common wp (like it's after using few times pb debuggoal function). In the real situation (during the game the lift was working even better than on this demo). The code works thanks to the coincidence of lift code and button of door code - so it may work for other bots only if door button code is handled the same way as in podbot mm.

Austin 20-11-2006 09:30

Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
Force skin works!

As for the difficulty...

As my server was configured, our team of good human players would win MOST rounds every map. Now we loose most every round!

So they are definitely more difficult!
How do I adjust their aiming back to what it was ? !!!

KWo 20-11-2006 09:58

Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
Just use lower skilled bots - for example (80) instead (100) or so... :D

KWo 24-12-2006 03:40

Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
V3 Build 16d

+Bots should pickup also "worse" weapons (better/worse - according to the weapon's priorities in botweapons.cfg) if the current "better" weapon is out of bullets.
+Added support for pickuping ammo, nades, armor, medkit in item mode of CSDM (or on maps fy_xxx)
+Fixed bug with bots not being able to pickup even "better" secondary weapon.
+Changed - the entity player_weaponstrip will get as v.target and as v.targetname the value "fake" only if v.target is empty string.
+ They should think a bit less before shooting (which should make them a bit harder again, I hope).

Please test it and give me the feedback
@persons135 - please, test if they are harder again.

person135 24-12-2006 05:51

Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
good job KWo, but they are already tough enough, even if they are not crazy tough like yapb. (crazy tough is sometimes pretty fun to play with). When I played with the bots, I had the yapb bots with the prefix -y b-, so I know which ones were podbot and which were yapb.

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