Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
Small update - V3B20a
+FIXED the calculation of the path's length according to the "danger" data experience. +FIXED the problem with spinning bot while throwing nades. Still the filebase is not working, so please use the mirror. |
Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
Wow, an update! :clap: Nice job! :)
Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
Small update - V3B20b
+FIXED problem with CT bots not defusing the bomb sometimes (no anyone nearby and they didn't defuse). +FIXED problem with usage of buttons triggering double door (consisting left and right part like on cs_chemical). |
Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
where is a new version? :)
Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
Since 2 months I haev't had time to code anything for podbot mm. Maybe I'll find some frree time at the beginning of the new year.
Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
project is dead? o_O
Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
Let say - in standby mode. :)
Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
The current version of PodBot gives me strange fps loss on every round start.
Already tried lowering pb_dangerfactor, no use. There's only one (well two) things I touched in podbot.cfg: Code:
# Weapons, equipment and ammo restriction (for buying) Just tested on listenserver, works fine. Using them HLDS makes them lag (playing on the same comp on lan). I have a Quad Core and they've worked perfectly before (a couple of versions back). |
Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
I have compared Yapb and PodBotMM and I had questions: - PodBotMM not bad use nades but Yapb it is even better, why? - Why not to create the program for adjustment of BodBotMM as it it is made at Yapb? - Why Yapb load CPU less? - And question not in a theme: why PodBotMM do not choose at creation the fifth models of players from CS:CZ (militia and spetsnaz)? I suggest to create cvar pb_cz If it is possible add radio command support "Stick together team" All it only for improvement PodBotMM :blush: |
Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
Has absolutely casually found out 3B20c the version, what in it new and why you have not placed data on it here?
Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
I was messing up something with aiming for moving targets, but since it didn't help much I didn't release it with any changelog and any info. It was just a test version. You can tell me if You can really see any difference between V3B20b and V3B20c.
Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
Can I mention bots using the use key when falling off a building. parachuting? Please lol.:pinch:
Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
I thought this was problem on my end. Server settings something?! But come to find out after using older version of podbot, it has to be because 3.0B20a because now running older version of podbot I can run 26 slots server 8-9 humans 16+ bots and no high pings... This sucks because I know I am missing updates and fixes with the bots, but I can't play with higher version :( |
Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
If someone is interrested to help me in narrowing down the bug with high ping, please post at pm. I'm going to upload somewhere couple of older versions to narrow the exact numbers where the ping is OK and the next version - the ping is high. That means copule of hours of testing for You, but then I can take a loook what I have changed in the code between 2 particular versions.
Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
After almost one year of break - a small update - V3B20d:
+Changed a bit aiming for moving targets (V3B20c - not released). +Optimized the code for lookup enemies - it should reduce the CPU usage about 30%. Please test it and let me know if You can run now about 20-24 bots on the server without having a high ping for human players. |
Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
Hi there,
I found a little problem with the linux version of the latest beta (32bit). The bots never use their flashlight on darker maps, and their are aiming perfect on full dark places to. I have the same config on my windows machine (same amxx+cfg, same plugins, same podbot + cfg), and its works perfect. Any idea? Thanks! |
Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
Another small update - V3B20e:
+Changed a bit and optimized the code for unstuck bots (especially when the bot is stuck with other bots/players). +Changed finding "BestWaypoint" for navigation (if the new WP in path is used by another bot/player, the bot will take another WP connected with the previous and next WP only if the next is visible from the prevoius one - that check was prevoiously missing). +Reverted back the check if the heard/last enemy is far away behind any obstacle (to prevent look the bots at the wall). +Added the new feature - if the bot follows waypoints while walking according to the path and it has to change the direction more than 40 degrees (if it would continue exactly the same direction - the angle would be 0 degrees), then it stops for 0.5 sec and then it continues his way. That should prevent the situation when - i.e. - the bot changes the direction 90 degrees and it hits the wall instead the door. Please test it and let me know if this version works better for You. |
Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
This build is excellent! No laggs with 20+ bots! Also the changes and new features are great! The bots seem to get stuck a lot less often now.
Thank you KWo. |
Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
Thanks for the hard work :) |
Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
I am really happy with V3B20e so far, I only have a few things I have noticed that I don't like very much.
Also it's kind of random but sometimes a bot will just sit in one place for awhile without anyone near him and no camp spot. He just looks like he afk ^^ but he eventually moves... Also, I might have mentioned this in PM, but most of the time a bot will not look in the right direction the camp spots are directing them to look. They usually look at the wall, and also for example: a CT will try to camp in a T only camp spot. I might have mentioned this already. |
Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
I agree with all written by mattisbogus.
These new bots are good i.e. they consume less CPU and the ping is low, but still they act stupid most of the time. Like was said before, they stop where they don't have to stop, they look where they don't have to look, and they camp where they don't have to camp. They usually get killed when they enter doors 'cause they don't even watch where they go. It would be REALLY good if they watched the SAME direction they walk. |
Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
When they run, it is impossible to look that the sky or only its feet. When they run, it is not possible to hear the noise of step of others. They cease running, they listen, they turn and they go there. But they never stop to aim at a wall during 1 minute as though they saw across.
Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
Yet another small update - V3B20f:
+Fixed problem with bots looking wrong direction at walking (in most cases they should look forward, but it may happen they are also looking at danger position - which isn't forward). That should reduce their looking at the wall. +Fixed problem with not updating the global experience if the overflow was about to happen. +Reverted back some function in sound slimulation (the sample of the sound is now also taken in account for 2 sec instead of 1 sec; the new sample is taken into account if the new sample's volume is higher than the old one) Please test it and let me know if this version works better for You. |
Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
One more time a small update - V3B20g:
+Small change for unstuck code. They should better unstuck from them-selves (faster). Please test it and leave a feedback here (also for V3B20f changes - of course - included already in V3B20g). |
Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
They still stuck and act stupid, sometimes even worse than before. They stuck even at free spaces, just stand still and won't do anything. Also, now they sometimes, don't watch where they get shots from, and accordingly, don't shoot back. They just keep walking like nothing's going on, or like they're more bothered about what's happening between their legs lol. Yeah, it looks like that. Sometimes...
Therefore, i moved back to V3B20e. |
Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
At the moment, I am satisfied with improvements. Remain to notice better. Things continue surprising me:
- bots try to take back up the unidirectional ways. If I point out sense, I know that this cannot pass upside down - they seem to favour jumps in other ways. |
Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
when bots, for instance, descent and cannot go back up, I put an unidirctionnel
when bots can go back up by a simple jump or a squatted jump, I put a bidirectionnel without jump. when bots risk of falling between the surface of departure and that of arrival, I put a jump. I create waypoints almost every day i don't know their logic and what makes that they choose a way instead of other one.. I don't understand that a bot CT don't go to deactivate or to help to deactivate when the bomb is put down. Of the best in the most poor skill, they should go towards the bomb to deactivate or attack terros around the bomb. If the team risks losing, it is necessary to resist and not to go for a walk. An idea in passage, in game, would be it possible to point out to the player the closest objective and possibly the closest point of release? |
Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
I believe in that above You wanted to say You are puting "the path one-way direction". This is at least how it is called in the Waypoint Editor. Quote:
I was fighting with their stupid jumping everytime they could go somewhere i.e. because they got stuck with other players bot. So I had to make them using jumps less frequently (normally the human-player is not jumping in one place all the time - I had it make more human-like). But that implicated a side-effect - those places they really need a jump for a bot are forcing the waypointer to put the jump waypoint. Otherwise - as I stated above there is a risk they will be stupildy trying to wait and look only at the destination waypoint, then move a bit - finally they will do a jump. After writing that above I started to think to add in the code something like a "smart jump" (if the vertical angle between (2 waypoints origins) and (the line paralel to the grund between those 2 WP) is higher than some certain value, the bot should try to jump in that direction no matter if You put or not a "jump" waypoint. That should help in those places the bot will not fall down somewhere, but he needs a jump to go forward there. But - as I wrote above - the jump waypoint saves not only the direction the bot has to jump to, but it saves also the speed the bot has to have to make that jump successful. That cannot be so easy written in the code. Quote:
There are some conditions they are not looking at the "danger" but they just choose the shortest 3D path (but I would need to search through the code to find it). That is independant of their skill. Their skill is related to possibility to kill You (words sound playing "skill" to "kill") - to aim their crosshair at You and to press the fire button in certain time. The rest of behaviour is 99% not related to their skill level. Quote:
Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
I got one question. Why the bots aren't affected by flashbangs?
Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
Ok, try to translate yourself.
Désolé mais je suis français et obligé d'utiliser un programme de traduction.Il y a de nombreuses langues à travers le monde. D'ailleur, y aurait'il la possibilité de changer le language des menus Podbot ? (peut être dans un fichier txt optionnel) Je demandais si par un plugin AMX ou AMXX, on pourrait faire visualiser aux humains les chemins entre les points de passage et indiquer par où aller à l'objetif le plus proche. Ce pourrait être utile aux joueurs ne connaissant pas la carte. Une fonction qui pourrait s'acheter. Est-il possible de faire visualiser aux vrais joueurs, le chemin qu'utiliserait les bots pour y aller? Peut-on visualiser par plugin AMX le trait qui devendrait une flèche pour indiquer vers où aller ? Bug sur les sauts Impossible d'arriver à un point par un saut et d'en repartir par un saut dans les deux sens. Il y en a toujours des sauts qui disparaissent. Une solution consiste à utiliser 2 wayoints très prochez avec les problèmes que cela provoquent. Est ce que celà pourrait être amélioré ? |
Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
BTW - maybe try to use this translator instead google: |
Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
Sorry, it's french langage, it's more easy to translate with the original message.
Je suis satisfait de la version béta actuelle mais j'ai peur que les bots se fassent mal au dos à se retourner si brusquement et si souvent!! Serait-il possible que, lorsqu'un saut doit être fait d'une position debout vers une position accroupie, le bot essaye d'abord un saut accroupi (saut normal et accroupi pour la réception) au lieu de faire comme pour les autres liens vers un waypoint accroupi (c'est à dire se baisser d'abord avant d'essayer le l'atteindre et donc, dans ce cas, d'essayer de sauter ) ? En ne mettant pas de saut, le bot à force de tentatives finira par trouver qu'on peut passer par un saut accoupi. Dommage qu'on ne puissent pas lui indiquer dès le début. Quand on place un saut long, sans waypoint existant et que le wayoint se place visuellement dans le vide à l'endroit du début du saut, serait-il possible que le lien unidirectionnel avec le waypoint précédent s'initialise dans le sens du saut et pas le contraire? (Ou alors en bidirectionnel) Quand on fait un saut, le waypoint de départ se relie à tous les waypoints environnant (y compris les inaccessibles). Serait-il possible de ne le relier qu'avec les waypoints les plus proches ? (comme pour l'ajout des autres waypoints) |
Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
Monsieur, pouvez-vous trouver un ami pour Vous aider traduire le francais to l'anglais? Il prend trop de temps si j'essaie traduire votre message moi-même. Je crois vous avez beaucoup d'amis alors - demandez à quelqu'un.
Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
Przepraszamy, ale wolą pozostawić tekst w oryginale
Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
I can report that I think this unstuck code works pretty good, but the newest version comes with some bugs I have noticed.
- Sometimes the bot will jump at random points when he shouldn't. I have noticed this happen more frequently if above him there are waypoints. - They kind of have in-human turns when they are running. The movement is smooth, but they turn very very fast. Other than these things I think the version is great. They seem to get stuck less often, and they camp at the right waypoints, and also look the correct way. |
Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
Yet another update - V3B20h:
+Another small change for unstuck code. They should better (again) unstuck from them-selves (faster). +Changed the code to stop the bot while changing strongly the direction while walking. Now the bot stops only if the radius of the waypoint - where he should stop because of the direction chnage - is smaller than 49 units (so it doesn't happen anymore in any open surface - just somewhere near walls, doors like it should be). +Added "pb help" function (i.e. write in the console "pb help add" to see more info about "pb add" command. That function was missing since the time SpLoRyGoN was coding podbot mm; he haven't had time to do it, but he really wanted it. Finally I found time to implement it. +FIXED the code for cleaning unnecessary connections - it should take care more about any waypoint with JUMP flag, so You shouldn't need to repeat Your jumps to save them again because the code was cleaning some jumps connections, too. Please test it and leave a feedback here. |
Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
It's on my servers.
If you look how move the bots on my servers and that you are surprised of their displacements, are going to see how waypoints is made. They find the files of all maps which they play in the zip on our Website link towards the file zip on the name of the map or small picture. On there is the current playing map with link towards the file zip on the name map or on small picture. |
Re: Podbot Beta 3.0 Updates? ^^
I do believe in randomness. Some stuff just should be random - tactics, whether bot stops for a turn, chat behavior.. I waypoint, but the bots tend to use same paths and it is very difficult to manipulate with waypoints so they would use more ways possible in a map. A big bug is hostage rescuing. In cs_max, there is a hostage on a box. Bots don't rescue them because they probably think that they need to be in the same elevation level. |
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