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-   -   POD-bot back into shape. (http://forums.bots-united.com/showthread.php?t=833)

sPlOrYgOn 30-03-2004 06:38

Re: POD-bot back into shape.
yes we know you're the best at mapping and waypointing :D

SoUlFaThEr 30-03-2004 11:58

Re: POD-bot back into shape.
dude.......that was not my point

i am not the best at anything, and never claimed to be, otherwise i would be making money. hehe

any help is appreciated !!!!!

sPlOrYgOn 31-03-2004 01:56

Re: POD-bot back into shape.
but you are really good...

help with what?

damn these podbot source code files are huge...

Whistler 31-03-2004 13:02

Re: POD-bot back into shape.

bool IsGroupOfEnemies (bot_t *pBot, Vector vLocation)
    // search the world for enemy players...
    for (i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++) // BUG
          if (!ThreatTab[i].IsUsed || !ThreatTab[i].IsAlive || (ThreatTab[i].pEdict == pEdict))

The ThreatTab range is [0, gpGlobals->maxClients) so this is wrong
it should be:
for (i = 0; i < gpGlobals->maxClients; i++)


    if (!(pEdict->v.button & (IN_LEFT | IN_RIGHT)))
          if (pBot->f_sidemove_speed > 0)
                  pEdict->v.button |= IN_RIGHT;
                  pEdict->v.button |= IN_LEFT;

The buttons should be IN_MOVELEFT and IN_MOVERIGHT. IN_LEFT and IN_RIGHT means "look left" and "look right" (Anyway I don't think this button thing is necessary)


                  if (pBot->iCampDirection < 1)
                        v_dest.x = paths[pBot->curr_wpt_index]->fcampstartx;
                        v_dest.y = paths[pBot->curr_wpt_index]->fcampstarty;
                        v_dest.z = 0;
                  MAKE_VECTORS (v_dest);
                  pBot->vecCamp = paths[pBot->curr_wpt_index]->origin + gpGlobals->v_forward * 500;

The fcampstartx, fcampstarty, fcampendx, fcampendy aren't angles. Take a look at this in waypoint.cpp...

          case 5: // Camping Point
                  p->flags |= W_FL_CROSSING;
                  p->flags |= W_FL_CAMP;
                  p->flags |= W_FL_NOHOSTAGE;
                  MAKE_VECTORS (pHostEdict->v.v_angle);
                  v_forward = pHostEdict->v.origin + pHostEdict->v.view_ofs + gpGlobals->v_forward * 640;
                  p->fcampstartx = v_forward.x;
                  p->fcampstarty = v_forward.y;
                  WaypointDrawBeam (start, end, 30, 0, 0, 255, 255, 250, 5);

This camping direction bug is too difficult to handle, and I haven't found a good way to fix it without changing the waypoint format to add "fcampstartz" and "fcampendz" and redo all waypoints... well, IMHO the PB waypoint format is really bad, it just limits the max connections to 8 waypoints, so I can't reflect the old RealBot waypoint system without changing waypoint format


    if (*fAngle >= 180)
          *fAngle -= 360 * ((int) (*fAngle / 360) + 1);
    if (*fAngle < -180)
          *fAngle += 360 * ((int) (-*fAngle / 360) + 1); // don't forget the "-" (bugfix by Myung Jee)

...You shouldn't have been reading that "Myung Jee"'s email carefully
That "Myung Jee" should have mailed you this...


You code won't work if the angle is 360, 720, 1080, etc.
eg. 360 - 360 * ((int)(360 / 360) + 1) = 360 - 720 = -360

float WrapAngle (float angle_to_wrap)
    static float angle;
    angle = angle_to_wrap;
    if (angle >= 180.0)
          angle -= 360.0 * ((int)(angle / 360 + 0.5));
    if (angle < -180.0)
          angle += 360.0 * ((int)(-angle / 360 + 0.5));
    return (angle);

(P.S. If you don't know why I know that "Myung Jee"'s email so much, take a look at botman's forum archive (all the names shown in it are login names instead of display names), the post #5006 in developer forum is post by "him" :D )

Pierre-Marie Baty 01-04-2004 05:08

Re: POD-bot back into shape.
l33t, guys. Thanks a lot Whistler again for contributing to the bugfixes :)

but FYI the campstart and campend values ARE MEANT TO BE angles. It's Count Floyd that messed it all up and confused everything :D Hence the fix goes in waypoint.cpp, not the other way around.

Here's the new changelog:

+ Fixed a bug where CT bots could not be added (choosing auto team instead).
+ Waypointers can now type "ap" instead of "autopath".
+ Fixed strafe key bug (thanks Whistler)
+ Fixed potential crash bug by ThreatTab array overflow (thanks Whistler)
+ Bots should not be trying to toss grenades over the walls in de_dust or
through the ceilings like in de_nuke anymore.
+ Finally FI-XED wicked bug of bots not able to see through certain types of
glass !!! w00h00h00h00h0000000t!!!!!
+ Bots should approach crouched waypoints correctly now (ducking)
+ Bots now estimate crouched waypoints using a slower travel speed while
pathfinding (should help them not believe crouched routes are the fastest)
+ Fixed bug where bots would spin around with the head upside down (!!!)
+ Made the waypoint index display cleaner in waypoint editing mode. It doesn't
flood the console anymore and it's visible in CS 1.5 and 1.6 identically.
+ Fixed "wp teleport" function in the waypoint editor so that players can't be
stuck into the ground anymore when teleporting from one waypoint to another.
+ Fixed incorrect recording of "campstart" and "campangle" angles when adding
a waypoint. These values are meant to be ANGLES, NOT vector locations.
Here's the link
Keep me aware of what works and what not. Enjoy! :)

SoUlFaThEr 01-04-2004 06:01

Re: POD-bot back into shape.
THANKS for an extremely fast update.......here i thought i was going to sleep!

AP.....thanks dude
nades.....thanks dude
index display in 1.6........thanks dude
crouch waypoints........thanks dude
teleport......thanks dude


OMG THIS ROCKS!!!!! yer knockin me out.......i cant sleep!!!!!

first things:
in the podbot.cfg

1) put the "=" as bot menu by default......its B right now and thats the default buy menu for CS.........
2) the botfollow should be set by default at 3.......12 is just too many
3) the weapon pickup should be max 2 by default......12 is rediculous :)

these are my opinions and these are things that one must change when installing the bot.......

are those my waypoints in the default folder now? just curious:|

sPlOrYgOn 01-04-2004 06:10

Re: POD-bot back into shape.
1 Attachment(s)
the strangest bug ever...
I was using SoulFather's cs_assault waypoints for this demo...
they seem to love facing walls and jumping now...
btw i don't think the waypoints have anything to do with this.. because i've used his waypoints before this update and they worked just fine...

SoUlFaThEr 01-04-2004 06:18

Re: POD-bot back into shape.
looks like there is no full waypoint there........like only a few to be able to save it.......it looks like they have no direction........

does it do that on other maps too.....check them all........i have no problems like this


sPlOrYgOn 01-04-2004 06:19

Re: POD-bot back into shape.
i even checked de_dust and they do the same stuff...
they seem to try to jump out of the map or sumthing..
they all start piling up at a wall on the corner of the map and start jumping...
they seem to be trying to go to the sky...
all the bots are all looking up and bumping into walls and such then start jumping..

SoUlFaThEr 01-04-2004 06:32

Re: POD-bot back into shape.
i tried cs_waterside.....with t-wrecks waypoint......same stuff

so its the bot.......and dang.......i had to overwrite the last version of it9_9 :D

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