Re: Tanks for this Forum
i like HangFires WW1 tank more..
Re: Tanks for this Forum
Re: Tanks for this Forum
lol, i remember the old game tanks, everyone remember that? :D 2 little tanks on a random landscape adjusting angle and power to try and destroy your opponant..
aaah.. those were the days.. now its just Neural Network this, Artificial cheezes that lol :) If they havnt scared you off yet, Welcome ;) |
Re: Tanks for this Forum
hehehe... my tank's still the biggest...
although there are some other awards I'd like to give out... Most likely to fall apart: Hangfire's WW1 tank. Worst engine problems: sfx (I've heard of black smoke, but BROWN? something's seriously wrong there...) Most likely to explode spontaneuoly: Hangfire's Steam Tank... (From Warhammer Fantasy, if you've ever played it you'll know exactly what I mean). Highest Death toll: TWrecks Most likely to be found shooting at British Tanks: PMB... I'm planning on declaring war on France as soon as I get elected to Prime Minister. +EDIT: Shouldn't be a long war though... Googleing French Military Defeats... |
Re: Tanks for this Forum
I've got another tank!! may I may I |
Re: Tanks for this Forum
I think thatone wins the Brainz'z Prize for Modern art, I can really feel the rage in it towards the American Driving style.
Re: Tanks for this Forum
I guess - after reading this topic - no one memeber will want to thank for this forum anymore. 9_9
Don't forget, guys - not everybody can speak/write English so good, like you. I'm the best example of it. :P |
Re: Tanks for this Forum
well, they can say Thanks for the forum, no problem, but I'll admit, I was bored, in a funny mood, and had a google image search in the background.
/me lays down in front of tank. I am actually working on a follow up to my picture - or I will be as soon as I find photoshop on a computer round here. |
Re: Tanks for this Forum
wow... this is a long thread if you have messages per page set to max...
Re: Tanks for this Forum
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